$SGX$ $Singapore Stock Exchange Shares under CDP$
Why am I charge a S$2.00 custodian fee with 7%GST? I am only interested in using Tiger Brokers Platform to trade US$ Shares & never used the SGX/CDP Platform to invest in SGP Shares.
In view of the urgency for immediate Re-payment, otherwise Tiger Brokers will sell part of my US$ Shares to deduct the S$2.14 fee, I have transferred S$10 (minimum transfer S$amount needed per transaction) into my TB account.
In just a simple analysis, if Tiger Brokers has 1 million+ members, then Tiger Brokers would have collected S$2.14M+?
Kindly pay (re-imburse) back my S$2.14 into my account.
Otherwise, pls explain why every Tiger Brokers member is being charged on this?
Thank you.