This seem so not right...[Speechless]
After removing 2 tasks & only put back one[Speechless] ?
"Warm Up comment" & "Warm Up like" is something like an uncompletable task which known as the "so call filtering glitch" that has NOT even been solved yet.
But after getting enlightened from other nice users of a round about way to counter such glitch, both of them are removed now[Duh] ? (Other users' advice to counter such glitch is even better than reporting issue to tigerbroker...[Duh] )
Tio one up & so decided to remove both of them?
4 to 3 tasks...?
NOT TO MENTION, the new task is ONLY 2 COINS[Anger] +[Smart] !!!
What are ya playing at...[Anger] ?!?!?!
Used to get at least 100+ coins from logging in and completing daily tasks, reduced to around 50+ coins a day?
Come on, inflation isn't 100%
@TigerPM @Tiger_Earnings @Tiger_SG @TigerObserver @TigerStars @Daily_Discussion