G7g//@Alice Arnault: @TigerStars Let me supplement this with some quant analysis From 2022-2024, the company's revenue is 421.801 billion, 699.67 billion, and 911.361 billion yuan, with year-on-year increases of +95.15%, 65.88%, and 30.26%. Net profit attributable to the parent company is 16.474 billion, 25.372 billion, and 40.798 billion yuan, with year-on-year increases of +441%, 54%, and 60.8%. The EPS is 5.66 yuan, 8.72 yuan, and 14.01 yuan, corresponding to PEs of 43.4, 28.2, and 17.5 times the closing price.
Considering the company's business situation, we select Tesla, CATL and Luxshare Precision as comparable companies, with average PEs of 27.85, 27.50, and 19.66 times for 2022-2024. It is favorable for now