Goals for 2023
1) Stay healthy, health is wealth. No amount of money can bring back your health. To investors who lose money and having sleepless nights over your investment, you had either take on a bigger risk that you cannot stomach or you bought into a business that's not profitable/ no longer having a sustainable economic moat. Knowing when to cut loss play an important part in building a resilient investment portfolio.
2) My goal each year has always been beating the market. Was 2022 a bad year? It depends on how one see it. As Adam Khoo had mentioned in his YouTube video, if your goal and objective is to build an investment portfolio to beat the market over the long haul and achieve higher return, then 2022 is a good year to build your investment portfolio. Mr Market depressing mood give investors times and opportunities to build our portfolio and set us up for the next bull run that may last another 5-10 years. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade 😉.
3) To have sufficient cash to DCA. This is a tough one as most of my cash had been vested into my investment and trading portfolio and my new home. Setting aside a portion of cash from my salary and having a diversified portfolio that consists of dividend stocks will help to bring in another source of income that helps to recycle them back into my investment portfolio (if the prices remain low of course)
@TigerEvents ☝️