Recession is kicking in - what to do now?
Latest news by CNA states Twitter, Microsoft, Amazon, etc are retrenching staff. Recession is kicking in marking a negative impact towards the year end of 2022.
As I mentioned in my previous posts that market moves in a cycle. If we calculate the 2008 recession, we add another 14 years (7 years x 2 cycle), 2022 is the year of financial crisis though banks stocks in SG are not affected in this case.
What should we do during this recession? If some of you are holding large amount of different stocks and not in financial constraints, HOLD ON to your stocks to wait for rebound. Either sell once the price meet your breakeven price or a little higher instead of waiting for 20 to 30% profit as 2023 may or may not be in good positive rebound.
If you are in financial constraints or your options are getting assigned, your value of your stocks are hitting rock bottom, decide whether you want to HOLD or sell to cut losses.
As recessin is kicking in, it may take 6months to 1 year to recover unless a miracle take place. For those who are Christians, pray for a miracle. Once rebound, sell off all your stocks and focus on God's kingdom.
For those who are not limited in finances, buy more to average down your stocks prices.
My recommendation is still invest CONSERVATIVELY as I am not a high risk taker. These are my hard-earn money and not windfall. Most importantly, enjoy life meaningfully and purposefully.
Happy Investing :)