Team trading contest annual report

Participants in the 2023-2024 elite team live trading competition who complete their annual trading review reports between December 01, 2023, and January 31, 2024, or those who complete their final review reports in the last month of the competition, will respectively receive 0.3 contribution points. For more details, please refer to the Elite team trading competition Rewards&tasks center.

[Miser]  [Miser]  [Miser]  [Miser]  [Miser]  [Miser]  [Miser]  
Unfortunately the team I joined for the competition didn't really seam very interested in doing tasks to gain points for rewards.  I completed my tasks every week to gain star points for our team and hopefully my hard work will pay off woth a reward at tge end of this month.  
This month's review - Receive my 5th out of 18 badges & able to redeem Level 2 Elite rewards together with my team of 3 members :) The whole challenge is ending 31 August , wonder if we are still in time for Level 3 Elite rewards as only 5th of the month then update .. does anybody knows? 
Started Tigers 3 years ago. Learn many things and trading ways from Tiger academy. Overall Tiger trading platform still the most rewardings. Lets work towards our early retirement with Tigers.
Microsoft is my long-term focus..
Stocks down too much at the start of the month. To reduce loss, my strategy is to roll my sell put. So that I get to collect premium while not getting assigned for the stock.
Started Tigers 3 years ago. Learn many things and trading ways from Tiger academy. Overall Tiger trading platform still the most rewardings. Lets work towards our early retirement with Tigers.
Experiencing ups and downs
This month is last month of the competition. Wish everyone all the best! Hope this event will happen again in near future.
I am starting to buy some of the US stick in the recent correction. I will not go all in now but slowly over time 
Great to participate in this game. I have a very strong team that can win every week for the rewards.
Currently experiencing big drawdown 
I'm new to this, it's fun!
Unfortunately,  I was the only one on my team completing the extra tasks to earn monthly star points, which was disappointing.  We are so close to achieving star rewards threshold for prizes, but will most likely fall short by one point before close of competition this year.  Only wish my team had put in a small amount of effort to earn star reward points  to gain a prize. On the other hand our team did manage to get into the top 50 in one month on the comp, but this was not enough to secure enough to win any prizes.
It was exciting that i have been investing with Tiger platform more than 3 years. i like this competition. Not only because we can get rewards and vouchers. It help to improve my investment and it make me feel good in the sense that we are not doing it alone. With the team, we don't feel alone in the investment journey. 
This year was great! onwards to greater win! 
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  I have been using auto investment weekly on Tesla share. It had been quite a good profit to invest in this share. I forseen that the share price will keep going up till $300.
It was exciting that i have been investing with Tiger platform for 3 years. The events and rewards are so good that make investing so interesting and rewardings. Thanks. Keep it bullish.