What Causes You to Make Bad Financial Decisions?

Making mistakes in the stock market is very normal. Have you ever reflected on the reasons that lead you to make bad decisions? Would you heavily invest in a company just because you are familiar with it?

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Not really knowing the future and not hedging my investments/speculations.
How to pick winning stocks? Fundamental Analysis Part I
How to pick winning stocks? Fundamental Analysis Part I
The one lesson I've learned is to live below my means and consistently invest my money in productive assets Stocks, businesses, real estate Nobody is out there to save me Jobs can be fickle, raises low I'm the one in charge to take care of myself & my family finances You can't rely on a job or the government to provide for you & have your best interests at heart You have to take action & make it happen Work hard to build skills to increase income Work hard to eliminate unnecessary expenses Work hard to invest that money Then enjoy life
Bad financial decisions often stem from a combination of psychological, emotional, and situational factors. Here are some common causes: P.sychological Factors: 1. Overconfidence: Believing too strongly in one's financial acumen can lead to risky investments or inadequate planning 2. Herd Behavior: Following others without due diligence can result in poor investment choices. 3. Loss Aversion: Fear of losses can lead to selling assets prematurely or holding onto losing investments too long. Emotional Factors: 1. Stress and Anxiety: Financial stress can impair judgment and lead to hasty or irrational decisions. 2. Impulsivity: Making snap decisions without thorough analysis often leads to regrettable financial outcomes. Situational Factors: 1. Lack of Knowledge: Inadequate understanding of f
avatarJoyce go
I usual like to hold the stock for long term, eventually, the stock keep sinking till beyoung I could help by averaging and averaging , finally, run out patient to wait , just sell to cut pain.  Therefore , it's fearful on me.
Falling in love with a share, stayomg loyal in the face of both TA and FA evidence, and rationaliseaway  everything that doesn't sit with your confirmation bias.  Enjoy the capital loss.   9
1. Young & ignorant 2. Impulsive buying 3. Buy based on hearsay 4. Did not research/ probe further before buying 5. Follow the crowd / hype 6. Unwilling to cut early losses
Buy when price climb. Comp
*what causes me to make bad financial decisions?* I once ventured into the thrilling world of day trading, and what a rollercoaster ride it was! As the US stock market neared its closing bell (it was early morning in NZ), I was glued to my charts, leveraging my position on TQQQ with intensity. But just as I thought I had it all under control, my tiny traders-in-training (aka my kids) woke up, demanding breakfast with a chorus of "Mum I want this, mum I want that!" In that split second, TQQQ took a nosedive, and my heart sank. But thank goodness for that trusty stop-loss order, or else our family's meals would have been in jeopardy! Talk about a wake-up call - literally! It was a close call, but I learned my lesson: never underestimate the power of a hungry child (or a volatile market)!
Drugs, especially alcohol 
Stubbornness and a refusal to stick to the plan and pare losses. 
Yes, every bad decision has been the result of not knowing enough about the company before investing. But I've also come to the realisation that time often evens out the bad especially if you invest at the bottom of a cycle. What is my investment approach now though? If I like something new, I'll spend time researching it, if it looks better than something else in my portfolio or it adds depth to my portfolio then I'll invest a tiny amount, like 10 bucks or less. Over time you start to get a feel for the stock, soaking up all information on it, getting an understanding of when it's cheap and when it's expensive. My new friend on tiger trade @Barcode has serious convictions about an Aussie company
Long ago, I used to think naively that absolute    stock price Is the greateat determinant when      buying a stock. This is wrong. A $1 share can be expensive ( when it's intrinsic value is 0) whereas a $100 share is cheap when its worth is say,      $200. So now wiser, I'd buy the $100 share. Also, don't buy trashy stocks but buy only                  the highest quality stocks eg, CRM, google, unh,     Msft etc. Buy only when you have researched      them & do your due diligence.
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Investment Reflection on BBY Stock

Investment Summary - **Purchase Date and Price**: May 22, 2024, at $72.59 - **Selling Date and Price**: May 30, 2024, at $79.68 - **Closing Price on Selling Date**: $81.55 Market Catalysts A significant catalyst for Best Buy (BBY) $Best Buy(BBY)$   stock was the anticipated recovery in the PC market. Management's comments during the earnings call highlighted several key drivers that contributed to the stock's performance: 1. PC Market Recovery:  Management's optimism regarding the recovery in the PC market played a crucial role in boosting investor confidence. This was likely driven by the anticipated launch of new AI-integrated PCs from major manufacturers like Microsoft $Microsoft(MSFT)$ 
Investment Reflection on BBY Stock
Bad trade, beginning eager to trade and enter at high price. But now i learn my lesson. Patient is the key to succeas
When everyone partying 
either being too risk averse, or fomo
avatarJames no hands
I have previously made a mistake on Apple, holding the stock since August last year. I noticed a bear trend that Apple earnings were going to be bad with Iphones and I decided to get out , dispute my conviction of staying In the market untill the new IPhone 16 would come out next year. It's taught me to stick with my convictions and earnings report and not the stock price . As I had pulled out at 169 stock price losing money instead of staying longer and now it's back to 190s.  Making bad decisions on other peoples opinions is going to show bad financial decisions. Stick with your convictions if you have done your homework. Block out the noise that wall street has for short term gains.
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