Musk vs. Apple: Which side do you take?

Musk tweeted frequently yesterday to accuse Apple of ad-reduction, censorship, tax, and Twitter’s possible withdrawal from App Store. ---- [TOPIC] Which side do you take? Do you stand for Apple's business or Musk's Twitter? Will Twitter withdraw from App Store? Will Musk build his own smart phone brand? ----- [REWARDS] Every post above 50 characters will get at least 50 tiger coins~

I support Musk.


I stand for Apple.


#Musk  However Tesla will struggle if the QC issues in their Chinese factory hang around like a bad smell. Remedies for the issue will be difficult to execute because the factory is in well, China. Having worked for an automotive company with a China based factory I know hard it is to maintain proper quality standards.
Musk and $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ to.the moon 
Elon Musk and $Apple(AAPL)$ Apple both have a lot to lose if $Twitter(TWTR)$ Twitter gets removed from the App Store, but there are paths to avoiding that. Also: Apple’s Arizona chip plans become clearer, another pair of top executives depart, and the company’s xrOS-based headset approaches. Elon Musk and Apple Inc. each have a lot to lose if Twitter gets booted from the App Store. But there’s a solution for both parties to avoid a fight, while giving Musk exactly what he wants. First off, it’s clear that Twitter would struggle to survive an all-out war with Apple. The App Store provides access to more than 1.5 billion devices, and it’s a top way for people to get the T
🍎 is a more stable stock
Apple [Heart] 
$Apple(AAPL)$ vs $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ 🍏🍎🍏🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
avatorQuxie Pixie
Apple-Dapple is the word....
Hope Musk is reading this [Grin] 
I will go with Apple as I feel its more of a value buy than Tesla. Apple also has a more durable moat with her range of products. Tesla does has a moat in the EV business but her competitors are slowly catching up. Elon is no doubt a brilliant man, but I feel the constant media coverage on him is really distracting. Tbh, I also wouldn't choose Apple as I feel Apple seems to have lost abit of direction since Jobs passing. Apple is no doubt a money making machine but it seems to have lost abit of innovation.