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$SUPER MICRO COMPUTER INC(SMCI)$ Having to restate financial results is a significant deal.It doesn't help that the stock price is over 100 points away from it's last significant base. That represents a significant potential drop before support would kick in. The Reward/Risk ratio for this stock is highly unfavorable.Wish the longs here good luck. Hopefully things turn around.
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ The results were good but sometimes stocks go higher only when the big players want them to go higher. Right now seems like the funds are behind nio, probably because they finally drove the price down low enough to acquire. Go Nio, the company deserves it , lots of hard work by the CEO and employees , they deserve the success.
$C3.ai, Inc.(AI)$ Tom S was on TV. They beat on revenue, profitability, and cash flow. Subscription revenue was not a miss, this was within expectations. Their partner network continues to perform well, he specifically mentioned that they're doing huge business with AWS and GCP. Their year over year growth was 21% which he said was in the top 10 of publicly traded software companies. When asked about profitability he said that profitablility is a mathematical certainty. All they have to do is continue to grow and continue to scale the business and they are certain to reach profitability. So if you're a long term investor like I am all you have to do is continue to hold and the stock is sure to be a winner.
$GameStop(GME)$ Unnecessary fear and panic and then these large players dump the stocks and cause a bigger decline. Some even switch positions and short. Then these large shorters/market makers and front runners take advantage and also naked short to create endless liquidity. No real supply and demand these days or price discovery. Then you also have other instruments used to mess with prices like ETFs, options and swaps/derivatives.
$GameStop(GME)$ what should happen, but won't... is that RK starts his own hedge fund and RC plows a billion or so into it to get him started. Then RK just leapfrogs from stock to stock pumping and dumping everything for 10,000% returns, and gme goes to the moon. But RC is way too lame to make that happen.
$GameStop(GME)$ A dividend of any kind is not prudent at this time. No need to deplete the cash reserve thus reducing the resources with which to expand and redefine the business whatever that new direction might be. Building a solid profitable business is priority one. Getting the shorts to cover is a result of creating a profitable sustainable business. I have been cost averaging religiously since my entry price of $30. I am almost to breakeven. As Maranta says "can't stop, won't stop, Gamestop". Let's enjoy the next week and then a successful earnings report on September 10th. Mute the naysayers & bashers.
$MINISO Group Holding Limited(MNSO)$ I actually did a site visit to their Times Square location here in N.Y.C.I have owned MNSO stock since November of 2022 at $ 6.39 per share and as I try to do with all my holdings is to personally visit and observe my investment in action to decide weather to continually add or to diminish my holdings and MNSO is a continually ADD !MNSO LONG on the earnings this Friday !!!!
$Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ My take:I think the hedge fund trade is to go long on BTC and short miners. That's why our short position is so high, and why our SP is unreasonably low. When BTC goes up, HFs will cover their short on miners, make money on their short and recover on BTC, as it goes up. So, I don't expect a decent surge in SP, until BTC jumps up. MARA's short position is almost at 30% (2.29 days to cover). The Institutional Investor position is at 55%. Where will the volume come from for shorts to cover? Where will the shares come from? They have borrowed 30% of the float and Institutions hold 55%. That leaves 15% to cover 30%.As far as volume is concerned, the short interest ratio should be around 5 (days to cover). I don't r
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ Imagine NIO stock as a roller coaster at an amusement park. One moment, it’s climbing high with everyone cheering, and the next, it’s plummeting down, leaving new investors clutching their hats. Wall Street’s wizards, armed with their mysterious algorithms and secret handshakes, seem to have a knack for making the ride extra thrilling. They sprinkle a bit of market magic here, a dash of short-selling there, and voilà! The stock dips without a whisper of news. It’s almost like they’re saying, “Welcome to the stock market, rookie! Hold on tight, because we’re about to take your shares for a spin!”
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ why would anyone short the sp 500 stocks when this simple chart illustrates the rapid earnings growth of the sp 500. From 20x earnings to 30x earnings in just under two years. That's 50% growth in earnings value. If that rate of return continues, most stock shareholders will be retiring soonm
$Micron Technology(MU)$ I took my time to look at Micron' operations. It has a gigantic operation, absolutely superior delivery capacity, Micron has about 13,000 more employees than Nvidia and 15,000 more than AMD. They provide HBM for Mvidia and many others, their GPUs are top notch and their profitability is going to expand exponentially.I believe Micron is way more than what analysts think they are. Their speed of delivery is astonishing, unparalleled potential.My estimate on the current value of Micron' stock is anywhere between $120-170.
$Alibaba(BABA)$ I see it more as a shift to try and compete with bigger players such as BABA as they provide an increasing amount of competition. In itself my major long in BABA hedges me somewhat… if PDD loses market share I gain it back on the other side. In essence I just need the space to grow and margins to be maintained. (Apart from needed for future growth which I’m fine with)
$Amazon.com(AMZN)$ AMZN is up 110% since the January 2023 lowThe company invested heavily for future growth in 2022 and its FCF suffered over the short-term.The stock has rebounded in line with FCF growth. These are the opportunities that the market presents to long-term investors.
$Intel(INTC)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ INTC has made no progress in 24 years. Unfortunately, it played the CEO and board "risk averse" game for a long time like Kodak. INTC is way behind technologically and that is something I never thought would happen, but it did. The question now is: Can INTC survive where Kodak could not? At these prices, I'm betting that it can. And I feel that the stock may go up significantly from here with any type of good news. However, I am acknowledging that INTC may not be number one again. It simply lost too much ground. It is probably 5 years behind NVDA and 3 years behind AMD. But I
$Apple(AAPL)$ Absolutely, Apple's resilience is noteworthy! It's encouraging to see AAPL bouncing back and holding above the support level. According to Alphanso_AI, their current buy rating and a score of 8.2/10 further solidifies this positive outlook based on projected profitability and upcoming catalysts.
$Alphabet(GOOG)$ The market has impressively recovered most of the losses from the dip two weeks ago, which shows resilience. I took advantage of the pullback by adding some GOOG shares, believing that the stock has potential for a rebound and future growth. However, I've decided to keep 50% of my portfolio in cash for now, as I'm not entirely sure whether the market will push toward new highs or take another turn south. It's a challenging time to gauge the next move, so I'm balancing between taking advantage of opportunities and staying cautious. The coming weeks should provide more clarity on whether this recovery is sustainable or just a temporary bounce.
$Sea Ltd(SE)$ SE network effects enhanced by logistics distribution, human space travel encoded into the laws of physics, avant-garde FinTech customer acquisition strategies, the new railroads, Zuck's 6D chess moves... I am giving you guys my best stuff
$Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ BTC head-fake? I will be interested to see where the U.S. market trades BTC after hours. Are they going to take it down so the rest of world can gobble it up cheap? I don't think so.Then why the head-fake? Well, if you wanted to buy miners cheap, why not cause a dump in BTC, buy miners cheap, and then buy back your BTC maybe cheaper than you sold it to start the slide.I don't know, but I just can't see leaving this BTC discount on the table.
$Intel(INTC)$ $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ $Apple(AAPL)$ $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ You guys have no understanding of what is going on. All these intel investments are going into the foundry manufacturing side of business which is new for intel. You see NVDA/AMD/APPLE etc all pay TSM to manufacture there products. Intel is trying to compete with TSM now! And potentially manufacture for nvda/apple/mu/ etc. huge opportunity… doesn’t mean they will execute…
$Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ If you believe Bitcoin will go up and make new highs, as MARA does, you would do the same moves this company is doing. It's accumulation of Bitcoin is straight out of the Michael Saylor Book. And if they are right, they will gain tremendously. It is just a matter of time and being patient.

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