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All this talk about amc exceeding GME is fake news

All this talk about amc exceeding GME is fake news ..... I cant believe people are even comparing the two ..... I had both and guess which one did us dirty and offered 25mil shares during the run up and could not even wait a week ? (answer $AMC did) .... get to 300 a share three times repeatedly like GME did then we have a conversation other wise its just a "I missed the GME boat so lets act like this is better" Prove me wrong then .... this stock has a machine controlling it its to high float ...... gme does it naturally..... right now amc look just as bad as those hedgies .... stop blaming the media and the hedgefunds when your ceo dilutes the shares just as it gains momentum.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
All this talk about amc exceeding GME is fake news
09-26 15:28
$Alibaba(BABA)$ BABA to $165 and JD to $50 very doable in the short/medium term. Beyond that I don't know, it will have to do with where the fundamentals are in the future and it's hard to predict.

Here are the reasons why I think this is going to $20

$GameStop(GME)$ 1. Unless there is a significant business transformation on the way, brick and mortar stores for gaming barely stand a chance to compete. When was the last time you got your keyboard from a store?2. Even if it changes the business, how will it compete against Amazon?3. People who are deep in green are locking their profits.4. Many are waiting until Jan/Feb 2022 to cash out so that they can avoid short term cap gains tax. So expect massive sell off then.I don’t just say stuff randomly, I back up with data and facts/reasoning.$GameStop(GME)$
Here are the reasons why I think this is going to $20

Shorting has already started

Shorting has already started. Kicking the can down the road. Been here since Feb. I'm immune to these pa-the-tic tactics. The trend is negative, possibly for another week or two. This is time to be loading up. That's the difference between the diamond hands and weak paper hands. Invest when others aren't.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
Shorting has already started

Investing is not gambling

you are all a bunch of gamblers. This is the proper way to build wealth in the stock market: find a stock and do weeks worth of research into it, months if need be. Than after you buy it's stock you must be prepared to hold that company for 30+ years. You don't get rich by buying pump and dumps you get rich the good old fashioned way. I know you kids don't like buffet but he is a billionaire and you are not. Smarten up and do what the successful such as buffet are doing. You don't see buffet running around buying this garbage so why are you. Real investing is buying and holding for decades that's how you build wealth. $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
Investing is not gambling
$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ Should You Buy AMD Stock Before Oct. 10? By Jose Najarro.  This article is half baked.  He covers the probable topics, and has nothing new to say.But he misses the mark when he says he doesn’t think a Microsoft Copilot+ announcement for AMD AI PC is of any impact.He doesn’t think the AMD & the Ultra Ethernet Consortium (UEC) announcement of v1.0 will significantly impact the AI and HPC networking landscape.  He says this even though they will be delivering with the MI300 series this new Ethernet-based, open, interoperable, high-performance communication stack.
$Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ What is wrong with the stock? Really? It lost 60 points in just two weeks? Its called the Harris effect. WS realized that the fix is in and now is going short on everything. So we are left with two choices, sell now and do the same or hold and end up watching this evaporate to 100 bucks. Sadly this is our new reality and its not a good one to know.
$Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ Honestly, this is frustrating. We’re seeing poor performance across the board, and even though $Blackrock Multi-Sector Income Trust(BIT)$ is climbing, this barely reacts. It’s like it’s stuck in neutral while everything else moves. If BIT were down by the same amount it’s up now, I’d bet COIN would be down 9 percent already. It’s annoying how disconnected this seems from the broader trends. I mean, come on, how much longer can this stay so flat while everything else is either tanking or rising? It’s just making me second-guess my choices here. I’m really hoping for some kind of turnaround soon, or I’m going to have to rethink my strategy.

roughly 40% downside on the underlying stock price

$Virgin Galactic(SPCE)$ SPCE has given up roughly $5 Billion dollars worth of market cap on the dilution announcement. If they publish the intent of offering $500M worth of shares but haven’t done so yet let’s say until now that $500M dollar dilution would result in 6.25% dilution rather than 4% on Monday opening bell after the announcement. Not only that but in order to raise $500M they basically evaporated 5 Billion worth of market cap. Since on Monday it was 13B and today it’s 8B. If they begin selling shares now then The dilution will be worth “6.25% of outstanding shares and 5 Billion evaporated form cap.” Or roughly 40% of shareholder value ‘poof gone’ in other words, that 500M cost shareholders 4-6.25% dilution and roughly 40% downside on the
roughly 40% downside on the underlying stock price
$Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ Now let's see what drastic dilution can do. It may be that even if BTC reaches €200k, this will not even reach the peaks of four years ago. The problem with these miners is that the main owners' best way to make money is to dilute the stock as soon as the prices start to rise.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ Dow futures down big , market sentiment turning big red. That translates to doom and gloom and margin calls across the market. Off course the HF's shorting AMC will have margin calls coming in fast and furious. All u bashers and shorts will be toast this week. Watch the fireworks and run to the exits.
$Roblox Corporation(RBLX)$ 55 billion market cap for a company that had 300 million loss and 900 million revenue is unjustifiable by any means... Just a pump and dump scheme. Get ready for the crash down soon.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ LOL. Tesla revenue will shrink this year. Margins destroyed. In China Tesla is offering 0.00% finance rates--what are those margins? Europe and USA sales are SHRINKING yoy. Tesla has NO MOAT like $Apple(AAPL)$ $$ $Oracle(ORCL)$ or $Cisco(CSCO)$ so any comparison is silly. Tesla is worth $30 per share.

Sales and cash flow expected to see sustained improvement

NIO in-depth analysis: Sales and cash flow expected to see sustained improvement I argues that NIO has a leading edge in electric technology, manufacturing, and business model, and that future growth is expected. With the launch of new models, the easing of battery and chip shortages, and the gradual release of factory capacity, NIO's sales and cash flow are expected to continue to improve, and its market capitalization has big growth potential.$NIO Inc.(NIO)$
Sales and cash flow expected to see sustained improvement
$Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ Honestly, I get it—MARA's numbers are pretty disheartening. Only 673 bitcoins produced and under 26k held? That’s hardly impressive and definitely raises red flags. It’s hard to stay optimistic with those stats. If you’re feeling like the company’s on a downward spiral and has no chance of recovery, I totally understand where you’re coming from. Sometimes, it just seems like a sinking ship, and you can’t help but think it’s deserved if they can’t turn things around. If you’re ready to cut losses, it might be the right move.

Sustained losses, AMC price overvalued

So you chose to pump an indebted movie theater that loses money on daily basis with a CEO that told you to be prepared to lose your entire investment. How can you make this bad decision? It's honestly astonishing. This is gonna dump into a deep black hole, don't get caught up in this insanity. Nobody's talking about it because it's not real, it's a fairy tale. Dark pool trades are not affecting the stock price you are being tricked and had. It would still be overvalued at $3 which is sad and crazy.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
Sustained losses, AMC price overvalued
Anyone else notice the bond market thinks AMC is a "going concern". AMC has some of the highest yielding debt in the market. 3x the interest rate as the high yield index. I'm sure the Apes are smarter than the bond holders.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$

it's one of the greatest hedges of all time

So why wouldn't a large number of seasoned investor's 'not' take advantage of this opportunity, a company currently overvalued by at least 400%. If not the greatest short of all time, it's certainly one of the greatest hedges of all time, especially with the fixed cost to carry a short position being less than 1% per year at the moment.Just like a hot air balloon bleeding its "hot air" to descend, GME will eventually bleed its hot air (hype/fomo) too. It's not 'if' but 'when' it comes back down to earth. Just the laws of gravity and human nature combined.$GameStop(GME)$
it's one of the greatest hedges of all time

Why should anyone still buy into it?

I have tried to get the answer of, how do you know where the 8.5 million shares are right now, that were sold in the open market? If you do not know exactly where they are now then how can you possibly know you are in control of the float?Straight From a Horses Mouth: If the CEO of AMC refutes the synthetic share and naked short conspiracy bs, then why should anyone still buy into it?$Ga
Why should anyone still buy into it?

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