Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely. 诗里寻画
$FFIE 20240621 3.0 CALL$   Let's have some fun together
$Faraday Future(FFIE)$.  There's a surprise today
$拼多多(PDD)$ [得意] 
The fluctuations will not be great, but they will continue to rise  
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$ContextLogic Inc.(WISH)$Don't panic. There's a good show  
$Netflix, Inc.(NFLX)$ [财迷] [财迷] [财迷] [财迷] [呆住] 
$PDD 20190719 21.0 PUT(PDD)$[得意]
The choice of vague words for the modes of all levels of autonomous driving by auto companies and businesses indicates that these are irresponsible, irresponsible and seriously fraudulent to consumers, resulting in consumers' neglect of the safety issues of autonomous driving and the risk of losing the lives of drivers
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