OutofCBDCertificated Individuals
Tiger Certification: Wealth needs to generate wealth. See how I use stock and crypto to take a shortcut to FI, follow me!

How to Trade OTC Counter on Tiger?

Unlike Moomoo, $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$allow the OTC trading for stocks in OTCQX, OTCQB and Pink. We just need to do a one time approval to start trading.1. Go to any OTC stocks. Example: $PEAK POSITIONNG TECHS(PKKFF)$2. Click on Trade.3. Request for Trading OTC.You will see a screen similar to above.OTC counter are high risks high rewards counter and therefore not suitable for everyone. When get it right, you can easily see 2-10x return for OTC counter. Especially when it get listed to NASDAQ. Note: Most OTC stocks don’t get listed to NASDAQ. Some choose other exchange. Never risk more than you can lose completely on an OTC counter.I don’t trade OTC counter often and when I do, I go
How to Trade OTC Counter on Tiger?

The Meme and WSB stocks making move again!

$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$, $BlackBerry(BB)$and $GameStop(GME)$are trading at +17%, +9% and +4% Look like the wsb gang are at it again.We also seeing some positive on some othercommonly mention stocks on Reddit like $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$and SPCE.Looking at the chart till Friday, the last trading many of the stocks has not run to the point where we see drastic weakness on its volume. Today will be an interesting trading day. We will likely see some upward momentum to continue base on the current Pre-market trading. If we continue this momentum to market close, we will likely see more opportun
The Meme and WSB stocks making move again!

Cathie Wood Continue to add into this 3 stocks

Cathie Wood added more SKLZ, PLTR and DKNG. Should we go in yet?For the past few days, market continue to trend downwards. $Skillz Inc(SKLZ)$continue its downwards momentum same as $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$.$DraftKings Inc.(DKNG)$also broke its 150MA and go below $53. After taking profit in same position last week, I been holding to still. At least for me, it look about time to buy slowly into some on their next support level. Ofthe 3, I will likely go for PLTR who have strong revenue first. I still have a sell PUT position on SKLZ. But for short term scalp trading, DKNG and PLTR offer better range of intraday support and resistance&
Cathie Wood Continue to add into this 3 stocks

Got all the TIGER letters for 7th anniversary!

Thanks to the help of everyone and also finding the relevant article to comments. Simple but fun event, looking forward to the price!$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$always awesome to run event to share the joy with the customers!
Got all the TIGER letters for 7th anniversary!

If history repeat again, are you ready?

Just slightly more than a year ago, Singapore go to circuit breaker and STI have a massive dips. Will this time be similar or different? An announcement today and we can alreadysee panic selling in stock market and panic buying of toilet paper again.  However, I think that many people who are in the stock market will remember the V shape recovery. We are unlikely to see a massive drop and thus no sharp recovery, unless the global market also go back to lockdown. China are doing well and US doesn’t seems to care. In SG, we can prepare to go for stocks that got overreacted to drawdown but certainly pick pretty healthy debt stocks. Chance to add into REITs like $ASCENDAS HOSPITALITY TRUST(Q1P.SI)$for a long term investment are wi
If history repeat again, are you ready?

Taking Advantage of Archegos liquidation

By now, you should have heard about the massive liquidation and block trade happeningon Friday. So how can we take advantage ofthis?I think the initial opening will be interesting. There are likely many people who going to jump right in to buy the liquidated stocks as they believe in the story of no fundamental wrong with the company. I do think that this is a chance to make money, but is too risky to go in right at the start.My strategy is to pay attention to the counters that are likely by them:The above are the counter own bank for all its client, not just Archegos. But you can see the pattern from those counter in the bank holding. If having a large enough position to affect the market, it likely belong to one of the above.I won’t suggest to jump
Taking Advantage of Archegos liquidation

Earning Rocket or Dive for ARK favourite?

ARK continue to add big amount into $Skillz Inc(SKLZ)$, $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$and $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$. Cathie Wood add almost 3M of SKLZ, 1.6M of PLTR and 200K in COIN. SKLZ reported a good 92% yoy revenue butare still trading a premarket dip of 2%. Feel like it should start trending up but the smaller tech stocks are struggling to break its resistance. Still holding a sell PUT with strike of17.5 but will continue scalp trading on SKLZ if the support and resistance bounce continue. PLTR will report its earning on Premarket 11 May while COIN will be reporting its earning on 13 May post market.
Earning Rocket or Dive for ARK favourite?
With the new regulation in tech company, $Alibaba(BABA)$already face the wrath and fine. Other tech company are beginning to face investigation too.Generally all tech company in China will be affected but the larger company with strong fundamentals should come out on top. Once all is over and the sentiment turn back positive, we should see Alibaba going closer to $300. At the meantime, I will look to buy in at every support level.
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Crypto Sink with Biden’s Capital Gain Tax News

Stocks related to Bitcoin like $Riot Blockchain, Inc.(RIOT)$and $Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$drop at the moment of Capital Gain Taxes. $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$also fall below its strong support of $300 now.Bitcoin fall below 50k before recoveringBitcoin across different exchange fall below its strong support of 50000USD before recovering.During premarket MARA and RIOT dips up to 10% before recovering. It is still early to dive right in. I will be monitoring this two for today swing trade. Abit short bias on these but we have to see the price action first. If they convincingly break the 100MA at around 34.5 for RIOT and 27.5 for MARA, we quite p
Crypto Sink with Biden’s Capital Gain Tax News

COIN DPO - Yes or No?

Can’t remenber when was the last IPO have we have so much contraction between a company. There are many cryptocurriencs. Some are bubble just like tech bubble when started. But the strong always survive. The good thing is; $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$don’t care. Coinbase is just an platform for trading cryptocurrency.In FTX, they are already trading the pre-ipo contract at 500-600$ range. Yes for me. I will look to get it in the $250-$280 range so I can day trade it before I sleep. But I likely won’t hold a large position for too long. Will you trade, hold or ignore $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$?PS: Not a financial advice. Don’t bindly follow a g
COIN DPO - Yes or No?
$SINGAPORE AIRLINES LTD(C6L.SI)$ Happy to see this continue to grow and break Resistance again. However, let's not forget to take some profit. I took some today, happy to let the rest run or buy in again if another opportunity arises!

How to profit from selling PUT with Tiger Broker?

Selling Cash Secured PUT has been my regular realizing profit strategy over the years. Don’t get tricked to think that selling a PUT is a big risk. Let me explain why then show you how to do it with Tiger Broker.Why Sell PUT?Using PLTR at $24 for example. If you like to buy 100 shares of PLTR at $20, you can only set a buy order at $20. However, if the stocks continue to trade at the range of $22-$24, you can never get it. So the cash you hold is losing out on opportunity cost. But if you sell 1 contract of PLTR PUT with a strike price of $20, you can actually collect the premium. 1 contract equals 100 shares when it gets assigned. The premium you earn will be determined by the contract value you sold the PUT at.So, if you have the intention to buy 100 shares of PLTR at $20, this is a WIN-
How to profit from selling PUT with Tiger Broker?

ARK Sell Tesla and buy into Coinbase

It is not the first time where ARK bought into a recent listing. But what caught many by surprise is certainly the selling of its favourite $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$to buy into $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$.ARK bought COIN into 3 different funds. With this news, Coinbase is already trading at 10% gain premarket. A pity that I slept before it being trading andwoke up after the post market. I might still nibble a little if it goes near to yesterday closing price. But certainly won’t hold big position for long.Luckily for most people, Tesla look unaffected now during Pre market with a small 3% gain.It will certainly be interesting to see how both stocks with perform after the mar
ARK Sell Tesla and buy into Coinbase

Can We still let the others decide what can retailer do?

When $GameStop(GME)$was going crazy, the people wearing suits want to limit the action that retailer can do. In the name of protecting the interest of retailer, but can we trust them?Apparently not. They don’t even know or don’t even care that the same tactics used by hedge fund has been running for years. A single sided limitation only turn this into a unfair playing ground.I do think that protecting and certain financial knowledge should be required before anyone can trade/invest in stocks. But this should not be a blanket limitation. Hedge fund who do the same should also be treated the same. The incident of Archegos has prove that market can easily be affected by a overleveraged hedge fund than a group of retailer. The ban
Can We still let the others decide what can retailer do?

Cathie loves PLTR, do you?

$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$follow the market and took a dips yesterday. I still believe that it will be one of the better stocks to hold in the long term. $ARK Innovation ETF(ARKK)$added PLTR at yesterday trading day. I also average downwith a smaller position too.PLTR has strong revenue but pay too much stocks compensation in the last 2Q. Hoping that this stocks compensation should start being trimmed and continue to secure larger client.What is your plan with $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$?
Cathie loves PLTR, do you?

AMD double its Data Center Sales in contract to Intel

Days ago, $Intel(INTC)$show a sharp drop in data center owners sales and attribute it to a “digesting” phase. But with the earning report by $AMD(AMD)$, it has in fact double from Q1.Sales from enterprise embedded and semi-custom chips that includes data-center and gaming-console revenue nearly quadrupled to $1.35 billion, compared to 348million a year ago.This show that more businesses and largest enterprises are moving towards AMD chips. With the global shortage of chips to demand now, the number certain exceed expectations.I think AMD will likely trends upwards, but In the long run, AMD will continue to face competition with Intel. Chips shortage is still a problem due to the global demand. If
AMD double its Data Center Sales in contract to Intel

Exciting Earning Weeks Ahead including Tesla and NIO

Intel beating its earning but that also cause a spike for $AMD(AMD)$. It will be interesting to see how the market react this week.Popular EV stocks like $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$and $NIO Inc.(NIO)$will be fun to watch. With news around the Tesla crashes and ARK selling on Tesla to invest into other position, if Tesla did not met the expectation, it might go south from here. But we should neverunderestimate the Tesla army, so I don’t suggest to jump the gun yet.NIO had been rising for the last few days. There are rumour even with ARK going into NIO. Again this is very premature news. If you already holding any EV stocks, I don’t suggest doubling dow
Exciting Earning Weeks Ahead including Tesla and NIO

What’s going to happen after the $1.9 Trillion Bill Passes?

Not many expect the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill to pass over the weekend. I was expecting it to be passed during the coming week. Maybe, we will see this more often with Democrats also the majority in Senate.How the retail and institutional investors react to this will be shown on Monday trading day. I feel that many stocks are currently in the oversold region and we should see some bounce on Monday. We will need a few solid green days to prove the correction is over.For investing, I already buy into large-cap stocks to take advantage of this drawdown. So no further movement, unless there is another big drawdown for me to average down.For trading, I will look for stocks that will have a pre-market gap up or down and do intra-day trading on Monday. I am expecting a swing fo
What’s going to happen after the $1.9 Trillion Bill Passes?

How to make money by being wrong?

The stock market is an interesting game. The majority of the retailers want to be right than actually making money. The ones who can make some money when being wrong and make more money when being right are the seasoned retailer. So, how do you do that?Don’t seek for the sky. Just seek to be above spy.1. Don't be stubbornAlways know that things can change. The stock market can be green one day and red the next. No amount of technical indicators, momentum, or market sentiment will help. You might invest in a big company like Wirecard to only get caught in limbo with large losses.Admit that you can be wrong. Always look for evidence that is different from your understanding. Stop bashing the other party who offer another viewpoint. (Of course, got some are entirely bs-ing). You don't have to
How to make money by being wrong?

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