$AMC院线(AMC)$$游戏驿站(GME)$$高斯电子(KOSS)$I am doing fine. After being brutually **ckedwith the big dips, I cant even be bothered about recent rebounce.Maybe until the time when GME returns to 300, AMC returns to $70 and KOSS returns to $40?
$新加坡报业控股房地产投资信托(SK6U.SI)$So now SPH REIT is just focused on real estate only?No wonder The Straits Times can anyhow write content / misquote people.Thus, one must wonder if the next road rage incident go viral, did the media reported it correctly or not.
Virtually no chance of bankruptcy so why buy put with strike price of $2?Another way is to park 30% or more in GMElong and wait for 3 years. Probably gains are seen within 3 months though.
GameStop Options Can Be An Amazing Place To Park Cash
Can, does $Sea Ltd(SE)$, a company with NO postive EPS since IPO (Its unprofitable), NO dividend justify their $240 valuation (Between $189 to $285) when MOST of these gains happened in 2020.........https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/SE/no-dividends/scorecard