$Domino's Pizza(DPZ)$ Hitting the resistance. Collect some. inflatiob causes the increase in ingredient cost, labour cost and overhead. Labour shortage Reduce in spending power
$TENCENT(00700)$ Is my best return investment so far. Almost reach 100%. In my previous post I am sharing that me and my friend plan to get in the stock one year ago, but could not afford last year. We manage to get a little position in it. Thanks tiger brokers for providing an user friendly platform
1) FOMO (Fear of missing out) did not do much studies on particular stock and rush to buy in. Listen to friend or guru on the stock. Chase high. Consequence: buy at high price, bought a wrong company, overvalue. Trapped at the high price and become a long term investors 2) Not setting your cut lose And understand your investment purpose Consequence: Dumping more money to average the cost, or lost the opportunity cost to invest in other better Stock which can help you to grow your capital 3) Over leverage (Borrow to buy without proper risk management) Consequence: Cash flow issue, not financial healthy Proper financial and risk management . Cheers! Happy Investing. We have to break through the emotional part! 😉
Remember two years ago, me and my friend intended to buy $TENCENT(00700)$ but at that point of time the stock price was at the peak. 700HKD per share, min lot 100units would costs usmore than $9,000.00. We can't afford to get it, but we keep the stock in the watchlist, patiently waiting for the time to entry. Over the years, Tencent had gone through all the obstacles and external threats given name of "electronic drugs", the tightening of Covid measure in China, Inflation... (all kinds of threats) The price has gone down alot, but all the external threats does cause much too it's value: Our patient has bring us the great opportunities. Around the