@BillyWilliams:$Intuitive Machines(LUNR)$ This is definitely not Financial Advice. I am not a Financial Advisor. If you want to buy the stock, buy the warrants instead. If you want to sell the stock, buy the stock. LUNRW is like a 5-year-expiry call at 11.50 which (at Friday's regular-hours close) is $1.00 in the money and costs $0.83 . There are additional details (e.g. the company can force exercise if stock stays above 18), so do your due diligence. They have been exercisable since Thursday (in theory. If anybody has successfully exercised them, please speak up.) Exercising them takes a few days, so the price of the common stock can spike again, you exercise, and by the time they are in your account and sellable, the price could have dropped again. (Hence