Great ariticle, would you like to share it?
coming soon...get ready for bumpy ride this year or next.//@Sumei:Hopefully this will not cause treasury yields to rise ahead of next week’s opening ... 
U.S. added 916,000 jobs in March, above expectations
@chiapopoBro, just found out ios functions are slightly different from Android...they have the video button in Community tab.
Ok, we will see.So far i have got to know a few whales...One hold 2500 bitcoin, another one 3500 bitcoin.The other 2 is holding a few thousands of Ethereum each.All of them still keep their coins since 2014.And they are living good life and no hurry to sell away their coins.Do not get scared by these FUD articles.
‘Bitcoin could be next domino to fall as investors rush to book profit,’ says technical analyst
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$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$hmm...still ok right?
Up Up and Beyond to the moon! ???????
@JJQ:$Nokia Oyj(NOK)$ After waited for a long long time! ? Nokia! ?
Yes! Go go go! To the moon. ???
@Xismal:Hope the new week will be a green week
Drop some more to ipo price liao ...?
$Nokia Oyj(NOK)$woohoo...long waited!Here we go!To the moon!???????
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Yes, to the moon. ???
@Xismal:Hope the new week will be a green week
Robinhood Investors Are Quietly Buying More of These Stocks
$Bitcoin Investment Trust(GBTC)$$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$$CME Group Inc(CME)$I just learnt from my friend who has access  to btc OTC market, take your profits as and when, the whole market is manipulated.Btc price will plunge to $20,000 level again before it will shoot up to $100,000 level at the end of year 2021.
@财经龙眼:最近幾天科技成長股和小盤股走勢都非常好,有些基本面好的股票連續跳空高開,氣勢非常強勁,比特幣的價格也是再一次探到了6萬大關,今天想和大家聊聊我對拜登的2萬億基建計劃,加稅等政策對股市潛在影響的個人看法,比特幣走勢的看法以及分析4只個股近期的價格波動區間及買點歡迎關注B站:https://space.bilibili.com/401857866?spm_id_from=333.33.b_73656375726974794f75744c696e6b.1油管:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLfmkcVR-ifZPqE3IXEi0ug老虎證券使用龍眼的鏈接開戶後,存入3000美金或等值港幣即開戶成功,成功後可免費獲得一股阿里巴巴的股票【開戶鏈接】:https://www.tigersecurities.com/accounts?region=CHN&f=BCS&lang=en_US&invite=CAIJING&group_id=CG3001927296或者直接下載老虎證券APP 輸入邀請碼:CAIJING
what is intrinsic value for $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$?
@HAU3:$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$Tiger is going strong today! Keep it up :) I have total trust in ??

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