I am a total retard
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$There’s nothing wrong with shorting shares and many of us do it if we feel that prices of certain shares are overvalued. Naked shorting is another level. It involves shorting shares that didn’t exist or syndicated to artificially deflate the prices to unprecedented level. That’s cheating and it’s not ok. Worse, some whistle blowers are saying big institutions intentionally manipulate data to make them look in their favour. What the apes are doing is trying to expose such misconduct in the financial markets. One day, when we are being tortured by such misconduct, we will remember what the apes had tried to do. Forget about risk management if such misconduct are allowed in the financia
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$double bottom. Breakout of USD40 and the descending channel with a solid price action. Momentum bullish. Fibo retracement 62% and a possible extension of 150% to USD135. Watch out for the next critical of 50, 60, 70 and boom. Technical viewpoint. Nothing iscertain so trade responsibly. Buy the dip and enjoy the ride. Not a financial advice. Just my personal view.

Beware of Naked short on AMC

Some media are saying that the the short squeeze has been reduced by 21% to 14%.  It’s still 70mand counting with 138m shares borrowed. The ape believes that what happen with GME is happening to AMC right now. The HF are naked shorting by selling huge amount of calls to make it look like what they shorted has been covered. What to you think? Anyway, game on and we are diamond hands waiting for the actual squeeze. 
Beware of Naked short on AMC
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$here goes my little contribution from Singapore. 
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$How can you not love amc. It’s has great leadership with a lion heart and listen to all its customers and shareholders. Hang on there ! we are going on a war path with manipulators which have no respect for honesty and walk on corpses which they killed along the way. AMC is a way of life. How many of us have our first date in cinemas? How many of us have spend precious time with our families in cinemas? How many of us share happy moments with our friends at cinemas? Let protect them against unscrupulous financial monsters. Apes are monster slayers. 
$XPeng Inc.(XPEV)$You can be a bull or bear but never a little lamb waiting to be slaughter either way. Share price down because of US gov reinstating their stand on foreign companies listed in US to comply with US accounting standard which can be a good thing for tech companies because valuation may go to the roof. So is it good or bad?Xpeng is only one of the few EV companies who actually started production of EV. They research,develop and manufacture their EV in house. Batteries not included. They even develop their own software which run their EV. So is it good or bad?All EV manufacturers combined captured only 5% of the world car market. With more and more countries emphasizing the need for cleaner and mor
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$one more thing before I sleep, I just want to tell all die hard ape out there that I am actually very proud to be part of the ape community. United we shall conquer.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Here is my contribution for today.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$To proof my point as a day trader. I studied the day chart 15 min to 30 min before opening. Read the statistics and informations regarding AMC. Draw up a plan to buyat opening with a cut loss price set at 36.50 and take profit at 37.80. Very tight but it’s premarket so I don’t like to sit on it too long. Relatively small position too. Risk reward slightly lower than 2 but I am ok. I don’t short AMC because I love AMCand the community. I support apes movement by buying dip. Some may argue that I should keep on buying and not selling. Only when you make money then you have the resources to buy more. AMC is a momentum play. We know when to fight and when not. I am trying to make money to buy more AMC&
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$I am averaging up daily hahaha…….
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Do you know why I love the ape community? They stick to the plan and they stick together, good or bad. 
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Understand what’s happening today?
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$I said 10 a day but I bought 100 just too in with AMC and the community. 
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Some interesting read to lighten up your weekend
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$this is getting very interesting. I love AMC and I will fight along the apes. Have a conviction and have a plan.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$AMC short squeeze is far from over. 92.4 m is a lot of shares and 18.13 % free float on loan is still substantial. Have aconviction. Buy the dip and enjoy the ride. Just my personal view and not a financial advice. 
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Been doing some research on AMC since the hype. I just found the 20m shares that the hedges used to cover part of the 95m shares short. First, AMC who issue 11.5 m new shares. Second, Murdick capital who sold 8.5 m shares soon after they bought them through an agreement with AMC. Ofcourse, many insider selling and why not. If the businesses do well, they will receive new shares so it’s part of their remuneration and I really hope they can make even more in the coming years. There are actually very little shares left by insiders. So what is left to cover the 70m short? Can someone explain? Why should we, the retail investors sell now since we are the major shareholders to save these hedge
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$AMC has never failed us ape. Ape together strong. I have never been so in love with a share before. Thank you Matt and Trey whom through their selfless and conscience hardwork let us know we are not alone. It’s another painful day for shorters. I am done tonight and see you apes tomorrow. 
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$looking at some exciting data from stonk tracker. S3 has short squeeze risk score of 100/100. The fight is on. Be strong. Ape United strong.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$update from stonk

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