other than we received gold for our children when they were born, never thought gold as an investment cos when you are poor you need cash for liquidity use
doable below 10dlr per pax family of 4. Full meal. breakfast 5 bread for 5.5 n coffee 3 in 1 40c each. total breakfast 6.7dlrs. lunch cook fried beehoon comes with egg, stewed pork n vegetable cost 3eggs $1, vegetables $1 n pork stewed $ 3 n beehoon $ 1.2 total lunch $ 6.20. Dinner fried rice. 3eggs$ 1.00. luncheon meat half a can $ 1.50. Chinese sausage $ 3.00. mixed vegetable $ 2 n rice $ 1.50. total dinner $9.00. total 3 full meal for 4pax $21.9. each pax only $ 5.475
be it investing in stock, gold, commodities is no diff fm going to casino or placing bet with spore pools. the aim is to make money. is you keep losing obviously yr mood will change n you lose yr temper faster. like wise if you keep winning, your mood will also change for the better.
as it has moved up fm below 80k to 90k ahead of summit, likely factor in positive news. from past history how mkt react, I think most likely btc will correct downward.
I belief in faith. through many years of investing n gambling I came to realise that whether you win or lose depend on yr luck. I have come across people whose luck change n they keep strike lottery 1st to 3rd prize for a few yrs n won over 2m. than went luck is gone, they lose back everything.
After trading for more than 30yrs, whether u win or lose is not a matter of how knowledgeable although it does help. example are even hedge fund also goes to bankruptcy even they employ the smartest trader n research info at their finger tips. it's like playing mahjong. whether u win or lose depend more on luck than how smart u are. smartness only help u minimise yr loss.
likely to hit 100k before month end. sold mine too earyl at 88k. Still got room to break 100k. however risk increase cos any black Swan event will cause big drop when whale start to take profit