$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ 450 PE....erm it will take 450 yrs for u to break even at current profit and if earnings grow at 30% (quite insane) perpetually, u will break even 11.9years later. Good luck to u. Historically following some youtuber pumping a stock is the worst thing for u. Bcs they have alr made money at a lower cost avg. Everyone has the same info. If Demand for that stock increase your expected return will decrease. Just bcs some stock like tesla can reach $400 doesnt mean pltr at $80 is cheap. It doesnt work like that💀💀 genious. It is all about price to earnings. They have 100% correlation in the long term. To make money💰 u have to be contrarian. Find under the radar undervalued be
excellent report👍 whoever is pumping pltr now is obviously clueless. Have no idea of investment. Have fun getting no return for the next 5 yrs just like tesla. 5 yrs is being generous
$Alibaba(BABA)$ $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ i love underdogs. Not that into hype stocks. Usually u dun get vry high returns in a hype stocks bcs is overvalued. Just like Tesla ...flat for 5 yrs. Pltr is another one prolly gonna stay flat for 5 yrs at this lvl. Whereas those hated companies that are fundamentally strong are the one that pique my interest. Is down bcs of external macro factors. When pltr was at 5-10 range, nobody wanted it. I keep adding, eventually doubling my share count and profiting 40k usd from just 6k us
$Alibaba(BABA)$ WELL WELL WELL. My first trade in BABA. Yes i am bullish on BABA for the next 5-10years. Will be slowly adding to my position. Proceeds from$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ Baba intrinsic value for me at $169 Pltr at $25
By every measure, the US stock market is extremely overvalued. The shiller PE ratio of S&P500 is at a record of 38.25. The only other time it has reached this and beyond was in 2000 dotcom bubble and 2022 both ended with massive market correction. If you look at famous buffet indicator, you will realise that the current ratio at 208% is 66% or 2 standard deviation higher than historical average. Again both in 2000 dotcom and 2022 it reaches this level and ended up crashing. So are we approaching recession? Well no one can time the recession/market correction but it will happen. If we look at the most reliable recession indicator, the 10 year - 2 year treasury yield, it is not looking good. What is this? Well, a treasury yield curve shows the interest rate that is expected from a t
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ This is my last warning to all the delusional pltr investors. Firstly, i invested pltr for 4yrs since 2021 my cost price was around $12. Idc about your pltr "community", i am an independent investor that thinks! Pltr is an amazing business with tremendous growth potential. But like every investment it is not worth an infinite price. You WILL suffer during a bear market because valuation matters ESPECIALLY in bear market. I am also a finance market risk analyst in ING bank. Rule number 1 in any finance class: Every investment is the present value of the sum of all its future cashflows. A good investment when overpaid is a BAD investment. With that said, what is pltr intrinsic
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ Every investment is the present value of all its future cash flows. If a particular investment yield you $100 cash flow every year for 5 yrs would you pay $$10k for it today?? Exactly....then why are u doing it for pltr??? Unless your cost price is below $20 then holding make sense.
What do u guys think is the current intrinsic value of NVDA? Based on Wall street analysts projection of revenue growth i am looking to add more in the range of $110 if it dips to this lvl. Currently own about 172 shares and waiting to double down if it comes to my target price. Nvda is a fundamentally strong company with 88% gpu market share. I have no doubt that it will be the first to reach $10 trillion market cap.
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ Today is the day i am officially out of pltr holdings. im keeping the proceeds as cash and will be waiting opportunities in the market. (already did sold half of pltr to buy nvda during the deepseek dip). Pltr PE is close to 600 representing an extremely overvalued valuation. I believed it has already priced in the next 10 yrs of growth. The intrinsic value of pltr should be around $25 in my own dcf calculations