there seems to have competiton because the others are pricing the product at loss. there is nothing to stop tesla to offer product at 10+ % profit margin or even single digit margin. we will see which competitors have more cash to burn
secondary school level thesis. comparing to teslato mercedes that hardly produces EV. if you are into EV market, tesla is the best choice in crisis like this due to economic of scale
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$the worst is yet to come. nio leverage a lot. wont do well in high interest rate environment. with uncertainty in economy, people lesswilling to buy expensive products
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$the biggest issue for Nio is not delisting. it is the production bottleneck. despite so many factory upgrade, production still low. Neopark is not a good answer. larger factory corresponds to higher cost. we need a more efficient factory
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$during recession always pick the strong company. tesla will survive during hard time while other new automakers will fall. think twice when holding to $NIO Inc.(NIO)$$XPeng Inc.(XPEV)$View on XPeng Inc.(XPEV)BullishBearish