@Nms141319:$AMC院線(AMC)$分析任何一支股票都要有信息和一定的數據做支持,所以我才能從一月建倉,持倉和加倉到現在,這是一遍很好的知識信息。再次強調:沒有買賣建議,純粹覺得好才分享。In-Depth: Citadel Connect and Dark Pools UncoveredBefore dark pools, institutional investors had to trade in blocks of shares outside trading hours to avoid upsetting the market. Now, the utility found within dark pools is so high that some market makers have embedded them within their operations. There are certainly some benefits here in terms of increased liquidity, but there’s another side of the coin as well.Throughout 2021, retail traders have uncovered significant short positions held by hedge funds in a number of stocks. Naked short selling is suspected by many retail traders to be involved. At this point, hedge funds have collectively lost $12 billion—so fa
So you are saying it is right of them to short and bust companies and earning tonnes of money? Simply because they deemed the companies to be overvalued? What gave them the right to make companies insolvent? BS