$SNDL Inc.(SNDL)$ haha worthless stock ever and yet people think hold 10years will help. A decade people be way much richer even they put low % saving account lol
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ wondering where the chap who talked big with his cost of 8buck? Still here or crying that now at a loss? Where are all the clowns said 30dollars a catch and made many fomo and now bagholding and still praying for a mircale. Wake up your idea la. Hype long over only can see where to dump at minimum losses for such meme stocks.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ ape tgt strong. Wake up your idea when youtubbers never even live stream on amc anymore is a sign for day dreamers to wake up and cry more bagholding a stock which is worthless and still dreaming 100k/share. Face the reality, it wont happen but amc wont delist else how those HFs going to make money :)
$AMC Entertainment Preferred(APE)$ bye wannabe ape bagholders think you might need a bigger bags if you going to believe clowns saying nonsense like 10 to 100k per shares. I pity those who self hype and cant even do much to pricing LOL. All they can do is to trick themsleves by saying shorts need to cover for months and to see the pricing drop from 72 to current. Rich whales cashed out leaving retail bagholding. Face the truth and move on while many earning, those fake apes trying to hype but yet they dont even dare show their portfolio. Stop dreaming thinking that there will be a squeeze that many can breakeven and sell off lol.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ amc to the moon from thr mirror reflection. Hahahah day dreamer will day dream of 100k/share LOL. Continue to hold your bags of amc while many earn money LOL
$Skillz Inc(SKLZ)$ long time nv see the pricing ended up less than a penny. Well done. Supposed alot bought when e joker cathie buy n got trapped when she sold all. Ouch it will never go to even 10dollar. Skillz a rotten companies with boring lame games with low payout and even events wont save them cuz mgmt down to last employees need money. Shareholders invested to pay them LOL
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$wonder where e chap who spam i will hold as my cost is 8dollar. No where to be found lol.72 buck dont sell now all crying n baghold. Wait till it drop to 5 or below then cry even more. The apes probably sold off with profit and wannabe apes baghold for months. So naive to think 100k/share daydreaming during daytime.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ delulu individuals still thinking they bagholding and it will skyrocket to 100k a share. Think they need a bag of medicine as well. Dislike comments and will say others either bots or scheming against then. We probably are laughing at how big your bags are.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ still amazed with delulu thinking this stock will hype like previously. Try harder but eventually is useless. It wont happen lol
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$when moon? Stop daydreaming 100k or 500k/share. Those said these are just daydream. 72/share was the highest when whales dump and ran off with ton of money while alot of you are bagholding. No more hype and stop dreaming it will even go up to 30dollar unless those people wanted it to be.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ lol where the rocket and ape wannabe? Rocket to 100k/share? Lol 72usd n dump all e way to now 5usd. Bagholders must be crying so hard that they are quiet and seeing their bags being res for months while others earning money lol.
$GameStop(GME)$ where the group of people wait for squeeze? So quiet now man? Buy bigger bags and dca more to see it dumping alot and up by abit. Pity you guys still daydreaming of squeeze. Squeeze also wont have your shares 100k/share maybe when in dream.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Still daydreaming 100k/share? Long gone the day when it was 72/share. Where the people who kept hype ended up bagholding the stocks. Whales are long gone and HFs only will pull up and down the pricing when they want to. If you are lucky then can ride the wave or drown.