Is this the best time to buy Alibaba?I personally think so. Despite all the negative headlines, Alibaba has been hovering at this strong baseline.But if you going for short term trading gain this is not what you will like to buy in (go for meme cryptos instead).Next few years Alibaba will spend more money in their business to expand and catch up the competitors. I do believe in their LT story. You?
My Tiger broker journey so far Bought Geely - due to the upcoming EV spinoff positive news. Tencent - Interesting company with long term potential. if you in China, you will understand. Ping Ann - Long term blue chip insurance company. Concord - New energy play Rolls Royce - Recovery play from Covid Melco - Recovery play from Covid Any comment from your side on my picks? Do you recommend any stocks that I should have a serious look? let me know!
$PING AN(02318)$ Bullish since China insurance just at its infancy and as population getting older, the government will need private sector to step in to support the medical industry
It is simple. Market is giving higher valuation to car manufacturers who going into EV and reducing valuation on Tesla due to competition.Do you agree?
Why Tesla stock is getting left in Ford's and GM's dust