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$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ its time to ready pump in liquidity! Buy tonight and hold! Let's see what will happen later! $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$  same case same situation, will monitor and finding the strong support area, once you ach then all in! Gogogo
$Apple(AAPL)$ going to break the highest price again! Is that tonight? Is that next week? I'm only sure that it's coming soon! Let's wait and see! $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  Coming back to $220 price level, continue buying and holding until it fly to $280 and above ! Gogogo!
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ Drop more because I'm finding chances to all in buying it! Just report not very nice as expectations, doesn't mean it no longer earning! $Apple(AAPL)$  stable and rising this year, just hold and wait for it's next breakout! Gogogo!
$Apple(AAPL)$ going to break the highest price soon! Just hold and buy more when It drops! This is what my earning concept! $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  for this I will buy it and hold later when market open! Just wait see what will happen later and have some actions! Gogogo !
$Apple(AAPL)$ Market dropping,it rises, market rising, it rises even more! What a wonderful share, so nice I'm holding it! $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  I'm going to buy more andd hold this another amazing share again tonight ! Let's see where will it fly to! Gogogo!
$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ it starting drop to price $145 so I'm ready to buy when it goes to my target price ! Just wait for the chances! $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  same idea same ways same direction! Drop more and buy more! Just si ple as eating and sleeping! Gogogo!
$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ Go more! I asked my friend but more but they buy $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  instead! By the way, I buy both because I know they will both fly to the moon soon! FTTM gogogo!
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ I'm still waiting for market open but it starts rising! Expected will go up more when the market open later! $Apple(AAPL)$  will behave in same direction! Hence, just wait a chance to buy it more and more! Gogogo!
$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ Just easy, if it drop more I will buy more and hold! Just simple because I'm sure it will fly.! $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$   same thing I will do for this another nice share. Just wait for September and will fly to the moon too! Gogogo!
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ market is opening soon but I can't wait! Just bought a bit and waiting for it's flying later on! $Apple(AAPL)$  Another share I'm going to buy in pre market now because it will also fly later market open! Let's see and gogogo!
$Apple(AAPL)$ I'm just waiting for market open and gain this profit from this perfect share! $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  another amazing share ! Always fly and fly! Let's fly to the moon tonight!
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ just bought a bit more even market haven't opened! Can't wait be ause I know it will fly soon when market open! $Apple(AAPL)$  another share I bought during pre market! Let's see what will happen later ! Flyyyy!
$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ I probably will sell it partially when if goes to $160 again tonight! And I will buy it back if it goes back to $145! This is my mapping@ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  I will buy some later tonight since it is now doing retracement and will fly to the moon soon! Gogogo!
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ market haven't open but now having big rises! Keep going on ! $Apple(AAPL)$  also a perfect share without any doubt! Constantly going up and never let me down! Gogogo!
$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ just one day! It bring profits! Continue going as the news was coming out with bullish signal! $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  same direction and flying to the moon soon ! Keep going on!!
$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ I know you will come back but didn't expect you come back so fast! $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  another amazing come back share ! Gogo continue flying to the moon!
its coming back! $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$  is coming back as I expected and also $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  also go same way ! It's up and up ! I'm surely holding it until it fly to the moon! Gogogo!
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ ita coming back slowly! No worries, drop then buy rise then hold, this is my strategy and it bring me profits a lot from this share !$Apple(AAPL)$  another rising share, just making some retracement, no worries, keep going! Gogogo!
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ rising back slowly, let's see what will happen later market open?! Fly to the moon is the fate, just not sure when is it ..$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  same case to this lovely share too, rising back and rising more! Gogogo!
What a red day?! But no worries, continue buying $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$  and $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  when all these nice shares drops! Just buy because it will fly soon after red period! Gogogo!

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