$Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ i still couldnt find a solid reason about the business prospect of this company that will derail it to achieve what it set to achieve other than the market noise etc.
I trade to test my skills, money is just an evitable outcome of my skills. I will strike a balance and do not allow trading to consume my time as watching in front of PC may result in me of not observing the big wave coming. @TigerPicks @Tiger_Comments @话题虎 @小虎活动 @CaptainTiger
$Intel(INTC)$ When a stock is down, it is a reflection of both the fundamental and psychological of the market. Both forces interwind and enforce each other hence share price tends to overShoot and remain under for a prolong period. However, this is not a normal company in a stable industry. This was once a great company in a cut throat innovation industry. To come back, it will take more than double the efforts and foresight. I am doubtful of its progress due to the poor board members calibre.
Based on Forbes research, out of top 100 billionaires, only 1 rely on stock investing to become billionaire, so the chance of becoming billionaire thru share investing is slim.
$ChinaSunsine(QES.SI)$ Number 1 rubber accelator chemistry provider In the world. When more and more EV on the road and average EV is weighted more than internal combustion engine, you know that the tyres consumption is going to increase. What else to look for when the future runway is long and wide for $ChinaSunsine(QES.SI)$ which covers 25% of world tyres market?
I think it is definitely good to share the knowledge one acquire with the kids so that they have a long snow way to snowball the ice. As for what to teach, i think it is good to disect how a Company make money and relate that to the daily life for ease of understanding and learning. @话题虎 @Tiger_Comments @TigerPicks