@Bioman21:The Wheel StrategyA lot of people are talking about this strategy. I have seen my friend doing this. He is getting about US$2000 per month currently. I intend to try out soon also.Below is a website I found.Just be careful when applying. As different people use different strategies and also their risk appetites are different https://seekingalpha.com/instablog/1046492-markus-heitkoetter/5562174-trading-wheel-options-strategy-3-reasons-why-lose-money-this-strategy?source=acquisition_campaign_google&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17125379236&utm_term=135003782766%5Edsa-1485125212058%5E%5E595907318368%5E%5E%5Eg&internal_promotion=true&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1YCC9afu-QIVwZJmAh2OJwtCEAAYASAAEgLvfvD_BwE
@CY09:$Twilio(TWLO)$Unprofitable company losing about 700 mil per year. while company forcast profitability next year, it is non gaap which excludes the dilutive effects of share based compensation which kills existing shareholders. It will not be profitable until 2026 based on trajectoryBy then, about 1 billion share based compensation would have been issued which means dilution of about 10% of shares base. Furthermore we will not know how much profits it earns in 2026 (likely 200 mil based on growth rate). A sell and I expect shares to be worth in the $20s rangenge