$ContextLogic Inc.(WISH)$They keep changing directors. Management instability. Have patience. Once there is some stability and forward plans, it will resume on track. Afterall, company performance matters.
$Aterian Inc.(ATER)$Someone who wrote the article on Aterian unlikely to squeeze ...whats your opinion? I guess is written to scare investors. The shorts are scared now.
$ChargePoint Holdings Inc.(CHPT)$Most of you bought at very good price 20.30 or so. Congrats. Watching Lucid up is quite tormenting. But admit is a good stock. Chpt sleeping for 3 weeks. Its time to wake up and charge. ?
$New Oriental Education & Technology(EDU)$Today will have upward momentum. Stayed at low levels for too long.Tuition is a decent biz. A demand needed by bothparents and children. Will support it!
$Gaotu Techedu Inc.(GOTU)$Company probably has to trim down its size due to operative costs and govt policy. Hopefully this is just a temporary measure.