Don't need to pull $ out if you are holding stocks with good fundamental. Save up bit by bit so that can continue to invest in good stocks when the market is clearer.
Is It Safer to Pull Your Money Out of the Stock Market or Keep Investing for Now?
Those institutions just want you to sell your stocks cheap cheap to them. Who knows whether they are collecting the stocks quietly fir the past few weeks.
PLTR Stock Price Predictions: Where Will Palantir Go After Hitting New 52-Week Low?
This is not something new. As long as your current holding is not funded by borrowed fund, just do nothing. If you have cash, it is an opportunity to add more stocks when the market has a knee jerk reaction.
Wall St ends higher as Fed signals bond-buying taper soon
Tapering is going to happen, whether you like it or not. If you are a long-term investor, Tapering will temporary impact your portfolio value. It is also an opportunity to increase your investment when the stock market drops.