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$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$When talking about the US markets, the reason why investors behaves so bearish is the mindset. They always believe when the good times come, they are always short-lived. However, bad times always kicks in. Until to a point where they can't sell further, they will play this game. Buy to a peak, then sell off, until to a low and then buy-in again.
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$Fake buy. Why NIO always one day gain but after loses strength? There is significant buying but nothing move the stock. It is just silly to see those manipulated trades every day.Is one day of short margin really worth the profits? I highly doubt so, when they are buying and selling at the same time, which means their capital is also losing at the same time. Either watch themselves die by doing this, or enter through the dips.Cannot even think when exactly the bounce back will REALLY be existent.
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$Today is the best day for a rebound for EVs, especially for the Chinese shares. However, someone has to ruin the party. And the person this time is Powell.Another topic about inflation. She was so persistent about having to adjust rates, seeing prices rise at a rapid speed. However, the pandemic is ongoing, needless to say, it is far from over. If the market is going to be defeated by Powell herself, then everyday will be a selling day. No one would ever put their confidence in the US market.As a summary, Chinese shares listed on the board in US faces the following.1. Regulatory measures in China.2. Delisting pressures.3. Rates adjustments from the Federal Reserve.4. Huge competition from other EV companies.No matter how strong the p
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$Worst year in the US market.Russian - Ukraine first. Fed hikes second. Yields rises third. Just these three factors alone have flushed the investors out of the US market.I suppose whoever buys the dips are swearing and cursing, when stocks performed better, why don't they outperform? Only when the market turned downside, everything changed.When will we see an actual rally of the US market? Nothing will stay the same when tax rises, but everything keeps dropping in value. Salaries, investments, etc. Seriously 1st quarter has been so bad, extending to the 2nd quarter, how bad could this market go? Could be worst? Or turn around?
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Look at this disturbution of shares. Ask why so many are still HODL?Because of you, bear bosses. You are the culprits of having this time getting trashed, big time.
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$Cant look at this trend already.The momentum seems to be like a falling trend for all the Chinese related shares. And the reason is simple.We cannot survive even with buying the dips as the bear bosses are buying it down. Additionally, the worst may not be over. Not even sure these shares may recover within this year.I may regretted in investing into these Chinese related shares in the first place, believing that with the recent easing of regulatory measures in China, they mighy recover. However, this might not be the case right now. Moreover, there are lots of minor investors like us holding to high prices and got stuck with closing their trade and cutting their losses and buying in the dips.To when exactly this trend will reverse?
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$This share indefinitely has a price easily been manipulated by the big bosses, the buying and selling lots is an easy tell. From the 1 day short margin, they sell at a high and then sell off then cover again. So like we small investors, we get stuck at the highs, because they ate playong this game. If we continue to see this trend continuing, there is no point sticking to buying the dips. The pattern will never stop.Until to a point where this share really improves, there is nothing we can do. Not to even say reaching 40 dollars above within this year.
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$just sell the EVs. Why waste time telling everyone EVs has the potential?First, the inverse rebound is not seen in more than weeks. Where do the funds go to?Secondly, question of confidence? Anyone willing to buy huge on them?Third, EVs will in turn benefit the global market eventually. But to when can we wait? 5 years? 10 years?
$Chegg(CHGG)$This stock has been outperforming its earnings for almost 3 consecutive quarters. However, this stock, due to a cut of forecast for Q2 2022 earnings, has led to a turnaround of the share price. In my opinion, this is too much of a reaction from investors. Additionally, the stock has not been moving upwards too much due to the lack of volume in the daily trade activity. I believe that once the share has regained confidence, this share could rally back to at least 30 to 40 dollars as a support level.
$Chegg(CHGG)$We should not be shrouded with the negativities of all the geopolitics issues surrounding the global markets. It will exist, but how we are going to manage and digest these issues so that we would not be just selling and not buying over the shares. And this is what we are experiencing.Secondly, we know that all the big companies are also flooding the market with all the selling going on. So we have no idea when this so-called "pressure" is going to stop. I can suggest is enter in cheap, exit when it profits much.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$This stock always have a hard time struggling towards $30 after the suspension of the stock on April. Everybody still thinks that this share still can short squeeze? However there are still apes holding on to shares at least $40 - $50. How long are they holding on to their orders? It is since almost 6 months to that markey price. So what is investors still hesistating about? More inflation or rate hikes? More geopolitics? Market is a fear and risk investment, can't keep selling when nobody is buying. Ask yourself why you choose to sell over buy.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Amidst the bad times where the COVID pandemic started, AMC has a hard time recovering their box offices and admissions to their theatres. However, the recent brought back of top hit movies has prepared people to bring their popcorn back to the big screen.However, we do see some analysts still felt pessimistic about this share. How is this possible only if you would comment just because you wanted to buy the share low yourself?I believe that AMC's return should be the beginning of a reversal for the share itself. Trust me, with the box office admissions climbing, there is definietly good news for investors out there. Just HODL.
$Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation(HYMC)$Honestly saying, I don't believe in the US markets anymore.Reasons being truthful are as below1. Good earnings and bad earningsWhenever good earnings create good opportunities for stock to prosper, sonething has to spoil the market. And after some time, the share will remain and drop in value.2. Good economy growth, but inflation quickens.Just alone the word, "inflation" is good enough for a panic selling rampage in the market. It seems like this word is so sensitive to all ears.3. Rate hikesBound to happen, will happen, time is of the essence. We have to live with the growing rate, and in conclusion, nothing slows down. Everything still keeps growing and expanding. So why is this so sensitive to everyone?
$Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation(HYMC)$After a brutal period of selling, the market has seen a strobe of light pouring in, hoping that the market could shed some confidence. But question lies again as to how long the rally could last. 1 day? 2 days? 1 week? Will anything disturb the rebound of the market? We will find out.
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$I have seen lots of videos on YouTube, with lots of seemingly experts trying to convince that this share is really worth a "buy". Even on most analysts' websites, this stock was also given a "buy", commented that this stock was "undervalued". Fundamentally speaking, this is true based on the fact that regulatory measures in China have forcibly pushed majority of the shares down on a rampage selling ride. To a point where discussions progressed to a point where China "ceased" these measures to ensure fair trading. Also, delisting factors also looms these shares as well. Truth be told, set these aside, with their performances shown, they really do standout even during the pandemic period. However, the latter says otherwise.&n
$Alibaba(BABA)$Like I said before, the share price of BABA for both in NYSE and in HKEX are interlinked, which means if either one closes in red, the other will open in red too. This pattern is observant most of the time.If this selling pattern does not break off, it will make the price go down even lower. So a word of advice, the price needs a certain upside before heading for profit taking. Otherwise, the price range will be limited and we would not be heading upwards. To me, it looks like it may be going downwards towards 105, or even below.The repurchasing program is just making investor flee with the profits, and not holding on to long the share. The pattern of buying is not convincing.
$Alibaba(BABA)$Looking at this chart makes me feel disgusted. When you see a dip of high of 7% to 2%, this means that the potential is not sustainable within a short period of time.Profit takers getting their monies and waiting out. I don't like the looks of that.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$One of the worst year in history of the US stock market. 2022 has spoken. Everything goes down in a sea of red. What can we expect in the later half of the year? Are we going to expect more disappointing news, earnings to come? Meme stocks are very easily manipulated by bear bosses, where we cannot anticipate the moment they would play the selling game. As you can see, the selling margin ends in approximately 3 days which means this stock face a bearish mode. However, how low can this stock face yet again? The last low was about $9.80 before rebounding back ( that's when the Fed initiaties further rate easing). And even before, when this share was suspended in April, this share was no more on a climbing spree, it p
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$Without US trades as the highest trades amongst both securities market, NIO will not have 1.6 billion shares still at hand. Secondly, the share could only get the attention of their co-partners from US to boost their share price to help give confidence in their HK counterparts. Shed some light to NIO and others will follow too.
$Alibaba(BABA)$I have to share my insights with you on BABA. Whether true or not, it is up to you individuals to decide.I reckon that even with the repurchasing taking place on BABA, the faith of being the leader of China ADRs will follow the trend of the other ADRs as well. As you can see from the recent Q4 2021 results from their counterparts, it seems diaappointing. And with trend of the ADRs following suit of selling, BABA was not spared either.This is why I feel that China ADRs are getting lacklustre in terms of investor confidence and support, even with the company pouring funds to buyback its shares, they are not willing to hold on as long as what used to be in 2020.But it could be that the time is not appropriate for risk investments as of

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