thank you for sharing. 😅 yes so true 👍//@koolgal:I am bullish on the recovery stocks like airlines, hotels and cruise industry as people are raring to travel again after being stuck at home due to Covid 19. Discount store stocks are good buys too as they offer goods that are value for money. Thanks @Capital_Insights for compiling the recommendations from Morgan Stanley.
@Capital_Insights:Morgan Stanley Teaches You How To Choose US consumer stocks [Part 2]
thanks 😊//@koolgal:Day 9 - The last day of Education covers Specific Risks in relation to Listed US companies.Key Takeaways There are 4 types of risks1) Unexpected suspension of stocksa) Important news announcementb) Too volatile - suspend for 5 minutes to allow traders to cool offc) SEC suspension and possible revocation of listing. Eg is Luckin Coffee2) Delisting risk of listed companiesa) Direct delisting - no longer listed and shares become "waste paper"b) OTC or Pink Sheets - shares can still be traded but not so liquid and no information on company. Eg DiDi's recent delisting3) Bankruptcy Riska) Chapter 7 - asset liquidation. Investors will probably get nothingb) Chapter 11 - debt restructuring. Company c
@Tiger_Academy:Day 9: 4 kinds of accidents when you buy a stock
ok thank you 😊//@koolgal:With the super sized increase in interest rate to 50 bp by the RBA, Philip Lowe has signalled that there will be more rate increases to come. It is possible that this interest rate may even spike to 75bp if inflation rate is not under control following the Feds rate rise this week to 75bp.But I believe that the Australian economy is more resilient than the US as we have more commodities and minerals which are currently doing well. Our inflation rate is not as high as the US 8.6%.The employment figures are very good too. Great news for the working Australians this week as The Fair Work Commission has announced a rise in minimum wage of 5.2% or AUD21.38 per hour. Hopefully this wil
@ASX_Stars:Comments on RBA Expected to Rise Interest Rate to 2.5%
happy weekend!//@koolgal:TGIF! It's the Best Day of the week as the weekend is just around the corner.@Daily_Discussion Thanks for your wonderful Tiger Coins which bring much cheer today.Let's energise and find our winning trades today! In every market, there is always opportunities to make money.To Your Success and Wealth Creation! 😍😍😍🚀🚀🚀🌛🌛🌛🌈🌈🌈💰💰💰🎊🎉🎊
@Daily_Discussion:🚀[REWARDS]6 Things to Know Before Your Trades(30 Sep)