Living from paycheck to paycheck. Living pure on credit. Pay off your old credit debt with another creditcard with a much higher balance sheet and so on and so on! That makes absolutely no sence! Sooner or later you pay the bill! The Debt of the US Government 341Trillion is so high that They can't effort themselves starting paying back, why not? The Financial System would collapse and the USA economy would faling over the cliff. More deficit, building up as much deficit as the System can Carry on his back. There's no way back as long as The System collapsesput herself. Biden Will also put the financial creditcrunch forwards, put it on the plate of the next president candidate. Discipline is the solution. Discipline.
Wall Street On Debt-Cap Alert as Biden, McCarthy Brace for Showdown
Stock Market Crash Will not happening but it's time America learns to safe money and not living from Paycheck to Paycheck! Finaly you gonna pay a very high price for this " Lifestyle"
Most stocks are overvalued keep that in mind! Powell had signaled the broader Market also that his main job is to bring the inflation to his knees, cost what cost! If the Fed should decide to stop raising ratess then hé has to start all over again later this year!!!!!! That makes absolutely no sence. That stocks are overvalued that's a Market problem nog Powell's!
The problem most Americans have is their Lifestyle. They don't except that in principalyou can't afford to spend extremely more money as you earn! Why do you think this tech rally will face a very tough Earnings Season? Quite simple the prices of the equities in General shoot wit hout any reasonable reason to the moon! The shareprice doesn't represent the real price of the company!!!!!!!! Sounds very logicalto me that now With a recession already visible in the horizon the only thing the Indici can do is falling of the cliff. FromThe 14th of April the companies start presenting their outcomes. I'm afraid most of them can't give or won't do any prediction for the rest of the year. That's the trigger forthe Indicies to show more
I fully disagree That this is the start of a new Bull Market! The Nasdaq 100 enters up only because of the fact that the FED has been forced not doing his job properly. Had been Forced not toraise with 0.5 basis pointes but instead with only 0.25 basis points because investors were so angry about him. Inflation can only be cured by raising rates very fast and very high. 0.5 should be the norm. The pain still Remains. Mark my Words Later this Year you're going to pay the price for this fulish behaviour! "Shoot first, talk later!
Nasdaq 100 Enters Bull Market as Bank Jitters Ease, Tech Rallies