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I opened 1 lot(s) $AMZN 20240816 175.0 CALL$  ,This is a risky covered call as it is very likely that the market will rebound after a sharp drop like this
I opened $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$  ,As the sp500 is heading back towards the all time highs, I’m buying more spy to hold for long term. I chose spy instead of VOO as the stock options trading volume is much higher for spy so I can do covered called much easier
I opened 1 lot(s) $VOO 20240816 505.0 CALL$  ,First covered call of VOO I have ever posted. I am choosing a far away strike price as VOO has dropped significantly in the past month and it might rebound quite violently.
I opened 1 lot(s) $GOOGL 20240830 167.5 CALL$  ,My new covered call for Google after rolling my covered call position. We earned a bit more premium here with a higher strike price after rolling the option for a week
I opened $Vanguard S&P 500 ETF(VOO)$  ,Buying another VOO after the drop in sp500. I’m currently at 77 shares of VOO in this account and euros like to have 100 eventually
I opened 1 lot(s) $LULU 20240628 335.0 CALL$  ,Took me nearly 5 minutes of lowering the ask price of this trade. Trading stock or options of lululemon is always annoying as the spread is too high between bid and ask.
I opened $Vanguard S&P 500 ETF(VOO)$  ,97/100 shares bought for covered calls of VOO, will buy more soon
I closed 1 lot(s) $LULU 20240614 335.0 CALL$  ,Closing a covered call option for lululemon. Made good profit from this trade
I opened 1 lot(s) $AAPL 20240517 185.0 CALL$  ,I believe Apple is above it’s fair value but still this strike price is a bit close. Will roll if market price increases a lot
I opened $Alphabet(GOOGL)$  ,10 more shares of Google as I think it is under valued at its current price. Now have 140 shares in this account. Will buy more until I reach 200 so I can do 2 covered calls
I closed 1 lot(s) $GOOGL 20240823 165.0 CALL$  ,Rolling my covered call of Google from 165 to a higher strike price as I think it is very likely that the Google share price will go over 165 tonight
I opened $$  ,Buying more Amazon shares as it is undervalued according to my own fundamental analysis
I opened 1 lot(s) $LULU 20240719 310.0 CALL$  ,New covered call for lululemon. I didn’t close the previous position of tonight’s covered call as I think it is basically impossible to hit strike
I closed 1 lot(s) $TSLA 20240726 200.0 PUT$  ,This short put was kind of like a small bet to hope that Tesla share price would increase or only drop slightly after the earnings call. Unfortunately Tesla share price plummeted so I lose a bit of money on this trade. Not that bad tho
I closed 1 lot(s) $TSLA 20240510 180.0 CALL$  ,Rolling the covered call to a higher strike price at a later date
I opened 1 lot(s) $GOOGL 20240524 172.5 CALL$  ,New covered call for Google
I closed 1 lot(s) $GOOGL 20240517 175.0 CALL$  ,Profitable covered call, rolling to a week later to increase potential profit
I opened $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$  ,Buying 2 SPY, which is similar to VOO, but SPY has a higher option trading volume for covered calls. So I will continue to buy more SPY instead of VOO from this point until I have 100 shares of SPY for covered calls.
I closed 1 lot(s) $TSLA 20240719 240.0 PUT$  ,Closed my Tesla short out for today as Tesla is heading is the downward direction tonight. Luckily I have already closed this position as the market price eventually went lower than the strike price
I opened 1 lot(s) $TSLA 20240621 190.0 CALL$  ,Rolled the covered call to a higher strike price at a later date

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