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$Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ COIN need to punch through the 20 dma around $237, and then boom! If not, then we’ll probably oscillate around this area for a bit. Of course all things being equal. BTC.X rockets or tanks will throw all charting out the window.This has room back up to 260 level if momonetum continues here, looks decent right now.
07-02 16:47
$TENCENT(00700)$ The Chinese economy is in a better economic condition than most people. The irrational fear for economic reasons or geopolitical reasons have unfairly attacked the valuations of companies and in time they will reverse as funds reflow their liquid assets to their undervalued companies.
07-01 17:32

SE: Digital Financial Services is the gem

$Sea Ltd(SE)$ Everyone is now focusing on e-commerce.They focused on gaming earlier.But what everyone is missing is that Digital Financial Services is the gem here.It’s growing rapidly and has tremendous potential.The services that can be run off this platform are far ranging and will lead to billionsof highly profitable revenues in the years to come.The profit in this division will, one day, dwarf the profits of e-commerce.Most investors are looking at the past or looking only at current operations and currentfinancial results.They don’t understand what the management team is doing to ensure future growth.Top management has alluded to efforts in AI.Nobody has really taken notice.And many analysts are overly concerned with
SE: Digital Financial Services is the gem
07-01 16:21
$Microsoft(MSFT)$ this week we only have 3.5 trading days, so the pumping and dumping must be accelerated. So most likely we will see all the pumping, and then we will start to see the dumping. On Friday it will be full-throttle dumping. So it's better to stay clear of the stock this week. The earning play is still too early.
07-01 15:02
$Alphabet(GOOG)$ I barely use Google now a days if I need to find some information and I am not alone. ChatGPT gives me precisely what I want, no more flipping through all the links from the Google search results. I don't understand why this is not a concern for Google investors. Don't get me wrong. Google is a great company. Even the transformer model behind ChatGPT was invented by Google. But, at the same time, it's also true that their core search business is totally disrupted. I could be wrong. But I need help to understand why the disruption of the search business is not a concern.
$Micron Technology(MU)$ This happens all the time ! Wall Street will sell either to make profit or they overreacted on the future guidance, they want some insane profit! But I don’t mind the pull back just makes it cheaper for me to buy again..180 is a conservative target. Expect 200 by end of September and 240 by end of year.
$Alibaba(BABA)$ Warren Buffet owns 6% of BYD $Boyd Gaming(BYD)$ . Even though he has trimmed some, this is still a significant amount similar to Apple in his Portfolio.David Tepper owns $834 Million worth of BABA share with average cost at 79 per share the second most in his portfolio.If institutional investors are scared of China, they would not have invested that much into them. The risk is definitely there but the discount in price more than make up for it.
$$ beautiful breakout of an ascending triangle and we just getting started. Now bullish as long as we trade above $190 to target $209. Amazon has drone capabilities and most of America's personal information. I'd say it's an easy win.
$Microsoft(MSFT)$ I was long calls of MSFT into this morning and took profits in the first couple hours of trading.I initially thought we would see a move higher to the upper resistance at $455 or potentially as high as $465, but price couldn't break that $453 level.After relooking at the chart, it looks like we're forming an ending diagonal. If we break down from here, I could see a large corrective move back down to that $397 or $370 support level (or potentially to the lower support levels). The risk of downside was not worth the potential $2 gain from here.There's still a chance that we break higher and tag that upper resistance, but there are signs of weakness showing on the chart to me.We should see what direction w
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ There was never any competition all this company did was slow sales dow. All the “competition”are all going bankrupt all they did was temporarily slow Tesla down but now that they are all going out of business Tesla will speed back up and there going to be surplus of material like batteries that are only going to make Tesla more profitable.
$$ had a bearish outside day yesterday but didn’t follow thru to downside today. Instead undercut yesterday low and closed above it. This one is setting up nicely for a breakout basing constructively in a longer term uptrend right near all time highs
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ This stock will go parabolic, just as AIs capabilities are as well. 2023 was the year of AI recognition and it is still in its development stages. 2027 may achieve AGI and bigger pockets than Amazon $$ or Google $Alphabet(GOOG)$ will want their hands on this technology or want to nationalize it. Think of national spending on projects like the railroad or the interstate system or NASA. I think it is likely the government will pour billions or trillions into domestic AI development. Adjusted for inflation, a $1 trillion expenditure is not unreasonable compared to historical government ventures
$Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ would love to short it, but I’d rather be in cash. Janet Jerome and Joe all seem to want inflation as high as they can get it🤷🏼‍♂️ And yes, I know there are a lot of smart. People saying inflation has come way down and is pretty low. But talk to the bottom 50% about their opinion on inflation. Disenfranchising 50% of the country won’t work for long.
$Broadcom(AVGO)$ Just looking at the technical analysis without fundamentals: 1. Call put ratio suggests pull back. Possibly 1620-40. (This is for next week). After that sharp upward trend. 2. Following two weeks suggest gains in all likelihood to 2000 followed by pull back again to test 1800. 3. Price will bounce between 1800-2000 till next earnings which will determine upside or downside. Probability of price being below 1800 or above 2000 on July 26 was 31 %. Again this is just maths after doing numbers on volume, option, credit debit spread and theta diligence.
$Apple(AAPL)$ I just saw on news, that Apple wants to partner with FB $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ parent Meta on AI to catch up on AI technology. This shows that Meta is very advanced on AI and Apple is catching up! This news should be good for Meta and Apple on Monday on until the earnings date of both companies in late July!
$Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$I think AAPL $Apple(AAPL)$ or META will take over Unity to enhance their Vision. The next hype after AI will be the metaverse. The AI solved a huge obstacle by making the resources needed for creating the metaverse much cheaper and faster
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ People simply refuse to understand what’s coming after Tesla develops L4 FSD for all their cars and their new Robocabs.If you buy a new Tesla, or own a recent model Tesla, you’ll be able to make $30K a year by registering into the Robocab Network and allowing it to be used as a Robocab when you’re not using it, and Tesla makes about the same amount as their split of the fares..Then Telsa will have a global multi-million Robocab fleet working 24/7/365, each generating $100K/year..The revenues are staggering basically +$170/share per million Robocabs $40/share per million of regular Tesla’s on global roads…
$Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ broke the downtrend a month ago and has steady held an uptrend. Also establishing a ceiling and price is starting to compress in this range, so a bigger directional move is on the horizon as we get to apex of this price range. Keep eyes on this one. still targeting $368 by early July
$Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ TSM has huge pricing power and it’s using it. No other company can manufacture 3nm chips with 70% accuracy. It’s set to launch 1.6nm process in 2026, and 1nm in 2032. It just says the price and the designers have no choice but to pay. This is why it’s a great investment.
$Netflix(NFLX)$ It simply comes down to this: no one can outbid Netflix for content and make a profit. So this means Netflix will eventually control content distribution and control prices at both ends, the price they pay for content and the price they charge viewers. The stock has just started its final and biggest price spike before the government steps in and splits the company up like they did with AT&T $AT&T Inc(T)$ 40 years ago.

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