
Being Magical

1.  Being a creator 2.  Connection based on what can get from each other, including being educating, making money, improving, being touched, emotional, feel being loved and being understood. 3.  Based on what can offer to others constantly, valuably, deeply, etc. 4.  Show your business, let people get to know you, and make people feeling touched, being well educated, hopeful, feeling rich, etc. 5.  Get more eyes on youself, fully understand people's need: value, trust, educated, emotional, etc. 6.  Help people being on the way getting rich, bring value and happiness, felling easy and relax, with dogs & cats. 7.  Systematically, comprehensive, constantly, key point focusing. 8.  Observation, Description, Definition, Inspiration, Imagination 9.&nbs
Being Magical
Hy­pe Cy­c­le for Em­e­r­g­i­ng Te­ch, 2022$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 
Hy­pe Cy­c­le for Em­e­r­g­i­ng Te­ch, 2022$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 

AwakenForce Post @2019.5.31

1. Focus on where marginal utility is most sensitive. 2. Search fo optimal information sources, high efficient searching paths, collation, analysis, logical reasoning. 3. The most promising future of the industries: New Energy, 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, etc. 4. Keep the body in good condition. 5. Imagination, Possibility, Persistence, Courage, Methodology, Corporation, and Keep Learning. 6. Look forward to the future and do the best for better life.
AwakenForce Post @2019.5.31

Awaken Force Post @ 2019.5.28

1. As new tech developing faster, job opportunities in the future require better education and qualifications even in factory. People worry about the fast-paced changing society especially in China, middle-aged feel of fear losing job and facing the uncertain future, as it's hard for some of them start a new career. Most people are uneasy about change. But now internet technology enable people to get educated in different ways and different time in their lives. Here recommend apps such as Coursera, and university online courses, etc. 2. It's obvious that education is a huge market and increasing fast in developing countries, especially among the better-off. China one-children policy makes people invest more in children's education, and competitions are everywhere, from children to young p
Awaken Force Post @ 2019.5.28

Awaken Force Post @ 2019.5.27

1. Marketization business environment, free and inclusive culture, simple and open start-up environment, lots of talented people, are the secrets of the rise of Silicon Valley in USA and Shenzhen in China. 2. Set a time limit for investment horizon, drink toward it until reach the destination. The ideal time horizon is 3-5 years, which eliminates the day to day fluctuations in sentiment and allows you to focus on important macroeconomic trends that are the main market force. 3. Find the best company, be the friend of time. That is the best interpretations of Value Investing. The essence of the return on investment is the accumulation of value brought by the management team as the owner of the enterprise. 4. The basic logic of long-term investment is to earn economic growth, industry growt
Awaken Force Post @ 2019.5.27
the economies of the world

Hong Kong Impression

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.16 As impressed that Hong Kong is the place full of opportunities for decades, from the time when the British invaded till returned to China. Here's still the place where the capital and politics concentrated. Many educated people and politics with money from all over the world came here to start their new lives before, for the great market behind, China. As time flies, and the fast development in many industries which brings more opportunities for both people in main land amd Hong Kong, it has been lasting for decades. But now, as a simple private citizen, especially the local Hong Kong people, for the limited local industry development opportunities, it's hard to be multiple career developing in the small market, comparing to Main Land. Young people are facin
Hong Kong Impression

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.15

1. However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look attheresults. 2. If you don't risk anything, you risk evenmore. 3. I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. — Albert Einstein 4. The deepest principle of human nature is the carving to appreciated. 5. Life is fragile and can be taken from you at any moment. There is no better time than today to do what you really want, to love who you want to, to pursue your dream, and to the place where there is your soul. 6. It's only by concentrating, sticking to the question, being patient, letter all the part of my mind come into play, that i arrive at an original idea. By giving my brain a chance to make associations, draw connections, take me by surprise. — William Deresiewicz
Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.15

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.9

Most people can't see the essential key point, most because there's no systematic analysis method, and systematatization often helps to create a multi-dimentional model of thinking. There's no such thing as a problem without a reason, and the cause of its occurrence may be accidental or inevitable. In any case, it must have its own space/timing/environmental factors. The relationship between cause and result may be linear, non-linear, progressive,consequent, transitional, etc., or may be temporarily unknown. It's normal that the things happening don't go as the expectation. People's cognition has limitation, but self-cognition is always self-conceited. Reducing cognitive errors is an important concept in reducing risk. The establishment of systematic risk management process is an importan
Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.9

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.8

1. Break down the business process into smaller steps/parts, each steps/parts learning the most successfulexperience from the Top competitors, which is the best and applies it to the actual operation and practice. 2. Apple learned from SONY, Masayoshi Son learned from Bill Gates, all the Top one learn from others, and were good at combining what they had learned, and came the innovation. 3. What the smartest people in the world are doing now? Why they are doing it? Learn from them. 4. What is study? Read and summarize more, output and practice more, more other successful and failure cases study, to know how people make decisions, how strategies are implemented, how to do marketing and strategy planning, how to motivate people, etc. 5. Long-term persistenting market research, especially a
Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.8

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.7

Any decision you make is based on assumptions, possibilities, and prediction. Suppose that you still exist tomorrow, suppose that the company still works, suppose that the people important around you are still there, everything is on the track which perfect matched your assumption. All assumptions have an expiration date, even someone makes it forever as it lasts too long time. And all goals are also based on a number of assumptions. A rigorous system is one that must include redundancy to prevent accidents,which are normal and inevitable, and included in assumption. Therefore appear to how to hedge against risk, to prevent a system collapse by a small cost. Building a system is hard, so is building a body order. A solid system require a variety of knowledge, such as psychology, philosop
Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.7

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.6

The world economy grew by 3.56% in the second quarter of 2018, which is almost the same as 3.57% expansion rate observed in the first quarter. The growth is becoming more uncertain because of the increased restrictions on trade,the lack of clarity over Brexit and building financial risks. It expects global growth to level off in the coming years, and has tempered its predictions for both 2018 and 2019, from 3.9% down to 3.7%, by OECD. And also, we can seen that China is playing a most important role for years.
Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.6

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.4

Having the courage to stay true to the conviction, and not let the market affect your emotions. Investing should be fun and challenging, not stressful and worrying, so as all most everything happening in our lives. Once we make a decision after fully studying and investigating and predicting, even sometimes we are so confident with the **re, things always happen out of control. It effects our emotions, and we need solutions, instead of standing without no such plan and action. We would check the ideas previously, try to find out the reason, especially the margin factors which effect the most. It's all about how to consider and measure the very point which is the most sensitive. Another factor need to verify is the qualitative investigation. Things need a strategy, and strategy means dire
Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.4

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.3

Success in investing doesn't correlate with I.Q once you're above the level of 125. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is temperament to controlthe urges that get other people into trouble in investing. Even Warren Buffett said body control and self awareness is essential, and sometimes luck put you in the right place at the right time, no earlier, no later, just the right time and right place with right people. There is something just right there, waiting for someone to come and get. No such life experience that you really want to be, life is short, so you need to confident in yourself, and stick with what you like to do rather than do something you don't like but will make you money, people should have the sense of purpose. Find someone had similar mindset, share your ide
Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.3

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.2

Some ideas about investing Analyzing companies, industries, and national statistic and facts, bridging the gap between theory and practice, are about investing sense. Setup the valuation system and risk management system, for market expectation is a combination of everyone representing his/her benifits, including the company owner, the brokers, the traders, who involved in the market, and seeking their best returns independently but effecting each other, which called Efficiency Market, to some degree. In addition to the value of reading about a wide range of subjects, believing that successful investing requires patience, discipline, and skepticism. As undervalue investments are not always recognized by the broader market in the beginning, for patience s required over time. And it's the
Awaken Force Post @ 2018.11.2

Awaken Force Post @2018.11.1

Simply rules of intelligent investing 1. Don't depend on recent or current figures to forecast **re price, remember that many others knew them before you did. 2. Price is continuously molded by fears, hopes, and unreliable estimates. Capital is always at risk if not purchasing under average values. 3. Remember that many complex factors, such as accounting choices and the human problems with management and with large shareholders, lie behind reported earings. 4. Disregard the competition at your perils, they are always attacking your company's trade position and its earnings. 5. Don't trust quarterly earnings. Verify reports though the sources amd application statement. Figure can lie, and lairs can figure.
Awaken Force Post @2018.11.1
You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one.

Scarcity Persistence Monopoly

The idea model for making money must be long-term, stable and sustainable profitability, as reflected in sustained cash flow, excessive gross margin and profits. Such characteristics are generally found in the consumer goods industry, and products have addictive properties, such as cigarettes, alcohol, and some properties such as hypertension, coronary heart disease. There are many pharmaceutical companies in the world with very large market value, such as liquor company of MAOTAI in China. Those company with monopoly have few competitors and have market pricing power. The continuity of consumption continues to make the company profitable. As a result, the share price of company continue to record hi, which indicating its continued improvement in operating capacity, improved product comp
Scarcity Persistence Monopoly

Awaken Force Post @ 2018.8.4

Enterprises investment need to jump out of the national and regional level, taking the whole industry as the research Object in the whole global ecosystem. You need to compare the historical path of competition in this industry, and the current dynamic of competition,and try to predict **re competitive relationships. All industry have a process of growth, change, extinction, and transformation that can take decades or even hundreds of years. So you need to look at the production, management, culture, team members, product, innovation, profitability, etc. of similar companies around the world. Be clear about companies which are more competitive and gain more market share and profits in the **re, while the opposite which companies are going to go down. Focusing on the changes in corporate pr
Awaken Force Post @ 2018.8.4

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