PLmain (Platinum - main 2501)
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$Platinum - main 2304(PLmain)$  - set to perform strongly in 2023? Reason: Demand > Supply. The market is forecast to be in a deficit of 303 koz in 2023 as global platinum demand is expected to increase by 19% (to 7,770 koz) while supply will increase by just 2% (to 7,466 koz).  Could see a +40% price gain this year? (See attached chart) See the whole video analysis here: Follow me on YouTube : @thestophunter

Platinum (PL) Has Resumed Lower

Platinum (PL) Has Resumed LowerAugust 30, 2022ByEWFHendraIn Jackson Hole speech last Friday, Fed’s governor Jerome Powell indicated that the Fed is serious in fighting inflation and will not pivot early. He also suggested that further hikes are likely as inflation rate continues to be elevated. The pace of change in inflation has started to slow down after a series of hikes this year. US Dollar responded by rallying, dragging down commodities such as Platinum. In the charts below, we will look at the Elliott Wave technical outlook for the metal.Platinum Monthly Elliott Wave ChartPlatinum Monthly Elliott Wave ChartMonthly chart shows that Platinum has ended larger degree Grand Super Cycle wave ((II)) at $846.2. The metal has resumed higher in wave ((III)) and wave (I) of ((III)) ended at $1
Platinum (PL) Has Resumed Lower

Platinum (PL) May Still See Further Downside

Platinum (PL) May Still See Further DownsideAugust 9, 2022ByEWFHendraThe Fed has raised interest rates four times this year to fight inflation. They hiked by 0.25 basis point in March, the first hike in more than three years. Then they hiked further 50 basis point in May, 0.75% in June, and another 0.75% in July. This takes the current benchmark rate to 2.25 – 2.5%. Fed Chair Jerome Powell then left the door open about the next move at September meeting, suggesting that it depends on the data.“As the stance of monetary policy tightens further, it likely will become appropriate to slow the pace of increases while we assess how our cumulative policy adjustments are affecting the economy and inflation,” Powell said. Risk appetite starts to come back to the market with speculation that the Fed
Platinum (PL) May Still See Further Downside

The Significant Impact On Raw Materials of The Russian & Ukraine War

This economic and environmental progress has been under attack since the start of the Russian invasion, setting back hopes for a green and sustainable economy in Ukraine.The Statista designed a chart highlighting the Raw Materals( Energy, Grains, Metals) prices changes since January 2022, of which are signigicant impact from the Russian war with Ukraine is significant .Raw Materials Fetch Premium Prices:Russia and Ukraine have a significant influence on the world economy due to their role as suppliers of a number of essential raw materials. These include fossil fuels, agricultural commodities as well as several metals.The above chart shows Coal price&n
The Significant Impact On Raw Materials of The Russian & Ukraine War