1.The thematic Capex boom of 2023/24 was a key and somewhat surprising development...
Can it continue in 2025 and beyond?
Key Charts of 2024
2.rising bond yields is not a mystery, it's entirely consistent with a short rate cutting cycle
(i.e. the bond market believes the Fed is basically done with rate cuts)
44% of all companies ever in the Russell 3000 experienced a catastrophic loss at some point during the past 40yrs.
(which is defined by JPM as 70% decline in stock price from peak levels which is not recovered)
Some interesting stats (e.g. compare and contrast the cyclical vs defensive sectors)
4.It took the average worker in America about 15 hours of work to buy an ounce of Gold back in 2001...
That figure is now 75hrs (~2 weeks) !
-- is the Gold Price too high?
(or are Wages too low?) $Gold - main 2502(GCmain)$