Immune or indifferent is the best word to describe my half-year performance as I classified my investments into 4 different groups & based on overall P&L:
- SG market
- UT
- ESOP US market
- US market : Tiger Brokers
Only UT & Tiger US market are in red 🩸whereas SG market & ESOP US market are green. 🍀🍀. If I will to do a further overall P&L, I will still be in green. 🍀🍀 🤭
Irrespective whether overall P&L is red 🩸or green🍀, I am in no hurry to get into the stock market as it is too volatile - unpredictable. Worse than the weather here. 😓
Diversified plans:
I might consider SSB (Singapore Savings Bonds) as 10 year average return roses to 2.71%. This is higher than CPF Ordinary Account of 2.5%.
I might consider to invest in physical gold as suggested by @Wayneqqa good hedging item. Still under study it.