1. Nano Dimension $Nano Dimension(NNDM)$
Have you been following what NNDM has done since 2021 till now. They have been buying companies and building up their infrastructure. 3D Printing Additive Material is the future. while many people are looking at this company based on their revenue, but note that the sales is Dragonfly mac hi me is not the main focus here. We need to look far 2-3 yrs from now. If I read them right & gathering from the type of company they invested in, NNDM is planning to make a manufacture line For mass production. Think of a factory scale of production line. This is massive. Coupled with dragonfly machines they will be able to print anything from making PCB, chips, print on fabric, and printing future wearable tech. The current price $3.5 is a steal.
2. Blue Biofuels $Blue Biofuels Inc.(BIOF)$ The main point is they own their patent to CTS processing technology. No one else has this technology. Others can process and turn algae, corn to biofuels, but expensive and it’s driving the corn price up. I believe corn should stay as commodity for consumption. With their own CTS technology $BIOF is able to process grass, the cheapest plant, & wood chip into biofuels including jet fuels. In addition their technology also processes lignin & bio plastic. When you invest in $BIOF you are investing in the future biofuels & bioplastics.