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DIDI will comply completely as necessary to meet security requirements. May incur a fine and have to implement security measures compliance changes. But with 90% of marketplace it is WAY undervalued here.$DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$
I'm still in red with TSM, I know that eventually -hopefully soon- will go green and I can make some profits, but It's so frustrating seeing an investment in red for months.$Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$
Didi will eventually prove to be the best investment ever for longs.. after the storm, blue sky will be coming.. be patient, buy and hold!$DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$
The airline industry around the world took a major hit with the pandemic. When the world is rid of this pandemic, one of the few stronger airlines in the industry will be SIA. It should gain market share and generate more profits in the long run. Hopefully, the dividend will get reinstated by 2022. God bless and stay well.$SINGAPORE AIRLINES LTD(C6L.SI)$
I've decided to sell my kids college fund, empty my 401k and take out a mortgage on my home. All proceeds will be used to buy DIDI on max margin. Hope it works...$DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$

some data should be pay attention C6L.SI

Up Coming Plus Points: 1) HK, Aus, China Travel Bubble, 2) High Vaccination Rate from US, Europe, China, signifies the will open up soon. 3) More and more Vaccines in the market 4) Resume of Air Travel seems more probable by end of the year. 5) Established Covid protocols in Air Travel Industries. 5) Temasek Holdings Backing and Government Backing Possible Negative Points: 1) Delta+ Variants cause another world wide wave, re-affecting vaccinated countries. 2) More deadly Variants discovered Before Covid base price = ~$8-9 Covid Rock bottom Price = $3.5 Current Baseline Price = $4.9-5 Expected Normalised Price = $7 Above is just my analysis。$Singapore Airlines Limited (C6L.SI)$
some data should be pay attention C6L.SI
$Intel(INTC)$ 25 and possibly 28-30 incoming. Will still go down after gap fill back to these levels or even lower to 17 if next quarter’s earnings guidance is poor.[LOL][LOL][LOL]Another words, if trump wins $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ will buy intel mark this post!!![LOL][LOL][LOL]

look at little AMD so far

AMD Longs should really enjoy this green in a sea of red! I predict US market will bounce back. The eastern markets did well... except for the Hong Kong market and those affected by the China crackdown on tech and new socioeconomic restrictions. Shares of China's two most valuable companies, Alibaba (BABA) and Tencent (TCEHY), slid over the past 48 hours, with Alibaba closing down 6.4% in Hong Kong on Monday and falling another 6.4% on Tuesday. Tencent's declines over the past two days have erased more than $100 billion from its market value. But I think US market will shrug it off too just like Australia, Shanghai and Taiwan markets did. And look at little AMD so far.... GO AMD !$AMD(AMD)$
look at little AMD so far
DiDi $15 by the end of the week. Bid Banks and retail investors will drive up the price..The worst news is behind us..$DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$
Honestly, taking market share, great technology, great ER….all fantastic. But the best thing for $(AMD)$ is whenever $(INTC)$ opens their mouth. It can be a conference call, an investors event, a roadmap event, etc. The best thing for AMD share price, is INTC. I wish Geisinger would fire up the microphone every day. Lol
I missed out many hot stocks in the past cos I day traded or swing trade: Netflix MSFT TSLA. I should have made millions but I didn’t. This time I have learned my lesson and so I will hold this for 1-5 years. I bought at relatively cheap prices yesterday and today. Mark my words this will be a 10x in 2-3 years. Absolutely.$DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$
$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ The price action on sofi reminds me so much of $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ when it was undervalued at 6 and 7 and 8, negative posts were the same as on sofi[Sly][Sly][Sly], and the price languished as instructions were loading up same as sofi, and one analyst said thier price target was 3 same as sofi, i did make a lot on pltr but sold to early to buy sofi, not .Making that mistake again we will be at 20 then 30 a share might take a year or 2 but its worth the wait.
$DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$   One question every investor shall ask himself/herself is that before we all buy this stock. Apple invested $1 Billion into the company. I personally trust Apple analysts who confirmed this purchase more than anyone else. Apple won’t spend a buck on anything unless certain to double or triple his investment in short time


Everyone don’t forget, $AMD(AMD)$ just agreed to pay $42.8B for Xilinx. There are no Floors, no Caps and no Collars on the Agreement share price. It’s a fixed share exchange rate that requires 420M shares from $AMD(AMD)$ coffers we shareholders agreed Dr Lisa Su needed for just this type of expense. When $AMD(AMD)$ hit $100 that put the enterprise value of a closing at $42B. We’re beyond $100 now. $AMD(AMD)$ is paying north of $42B for Xilinx.Whatever the price is at closing, expect shorts to seize upon the opportunity claiming $AMD(AMD)$ paid too much. BALDERDASH!I do not like cash paid mergers! T
Really wanted this company$Lemonade, Inc.(LMND)$ to succeed. Love their brand identity and marketing and the way they conduct business. Really is too bad that most Americans aren’t aware of their business..I think retail investors without insurance background or understand insurance fundamentals should stay away from this stock.

Do some fundamental analysis

$ContextLogic Inc.(WISH)$ If the current rate of cash burn continues, they have 2 years before they have to raise capital.With the iOS privacy here to stay and the CPM cost on Android going up for good, Wish will have to reinvent its business model. Pretty tough problem to solve and the time frame is 2 years.This will not be a growth story for the next 2 years and have a meaningful risk of not being able to find a viable business model.Look at the data carefully before deciding to buy. Don’t fall for the hype and non-sense comparisons with Amazon, Tesla etc. Do some fundamental analysis to see if this company and risks are worth your investment.My take is that it's too early to invest and wait for either a better valuation or some proof of a viable B
Do some fundamental analysis

The float of GME is smaller,buy more

$GameStop(GME)$ Just buy!Adam Aron through us a heavy sword by issuing 400m more shares and protected himself legally. We bought those all up and more so now when this squeezes AMC will be super liquid and tons of orders will get done. With GME, the float is smaller and also oversold so when even a sneeze of volume comes in, it will get suspended and be unable to trade while ppl at AMC and other plays are selling into the shorts covering leaving a smaller amount of liquidity for gme ppl. Just the reality of the world. GME shoulda killed the world economy, but the powers that be would never allow that.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
The float of GME is smaller,buy more

Bili is even in a better position

$Bilibili Inc.(BILI)$ All the recent news are irrelevant to Bili. Bili is even in a better position right now. Bili is a stock that is immune to pandemic and trade war, it does not have any business in the US. And it is really one of the very few companies in the country that wants to grow steady. Most other competitors are very capital oriented, burning excessive money for good stats to show to investors, they don't really have high quality content that can lock users in long term. So what you should do is buying and holding!
Bili is even in a better position

$20 will come soon!

$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$ Hedgies are really showing us how smart money they are the closer we get to the merger they still not buying back their shares. They just want you to think they know something that you don’t when really they are just fools managing large pots of other peoples money. Don’t ever let some salesperson from a hedge fund company manage your wealth. You can do it on your own.$20 pt will come soon!
$20 will come soon!

Buy and hold!

$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ We buy and hold and we are ignoring the FUD being used to manipulate the prices down. Time and time again we fight off all the nay say and we are still winning. When in doubt Zoom Out ... The shorts have not covered so hold for the moass and hold some after it too.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
Buy and hold!

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