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$Intel(INTC)$ 25 and possibly 28-30 incoming. Will still go down after gap fill back to these levels or even lower to 17 if next quarter’s earnings guidance is poor.[LOL][LOL][LOL]Another words, if trump wins $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ will buy intel mark this post!!![LOL][LOL][LOL]
$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ The price action on sofi reminds me so much of $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ when it was undervalued at 6 and 7 and 8, negative posts were the same as on sofi[Sly][Sly][Sly], and the price languished as instructions were loading up same as sofi, and one analyst said thier price target was 3 same as sofi, i did make a lot on pltr but sold to early to buy sofi, not .Making that mistake again we will be at 20 then 30 a share might take a year or 2 but its worth the wait.
$Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ all I’m going to say is this stock dropped from 265 to 147 no fundamentals have changed in the company that’s crazy ! A few good catalyst and this should fly again. Long bull stock!!! Buy it right now!
$Intel(INTC)$ Gaudi 3 sold out.That’s what you call taking market share from nvidia.Some of that increase should have came to Intel, but this stock is being manipulated for max pain.Be long. Don’t trade this[Sly][Sly]Ohh! Let me reward for buying the stock!
$Alibaba(BABA)$ $Baidu(BIDU)$ 200$. While the United States maintains a lead in technological innovation and investment in artificial intelligence, China has the potential to rival it in AI supremacy thanks to its massive market, abundant data resources and growing industrial base. The integration of AI with China’s vast industrial landscape gives the country a unique advantage in transitioning from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing .[Great][Great][Strong][Strong][Strong][Love][Love][Love]
$Intel(INTC)$ is not some Ev company that will go bankruptcy.. Too many assets and cost cut possible. Include 30 billion cash and government back up[Sly][Sly]So don’t worry about the future! It is backed by the public! Add positions here!!

You're playing the right game with the wrong company

$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$ Can anyone tell me what this company does? Where is the majority of their money going? How do they make money? Have you ever asked why this company is so highly shorted? There are reasons.What do you actually know about this company and how they make money? That doesn't matter though, right? You just see short interest and think that's a play on a short squeeze. You're playing the right game with the wrong company.
You're playing the right game with the wrong company

This stock is absolutely primed for a breakout

$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ just ignore the option cucking that took place to end the day and focus on what the fuck just happened this week boys. We tore down the berlin fucking wall at 27.5 and advanced into 29 ON A FRIDAY. This stock is absolutely primed for a breakout and we just saw the stage being laid for it to happen early into next week.$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$
This stock is absolutely primed for a breakout

People will need a booster shot sooner or later

$BioNTech SE(BNTX)$ People will need a booster shot sooner or later, likely every year for at least a couple of years. Immunity whether natural or through vaccination wanes like in all respiratory infections. The FDA likely wants to give priority access to those most at risk. Call them boosters or not, but people will need to be vaccinated a year after recovery from Covid or their last shot.
People will need a booster shot sooner or later
$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ this stock started as a small position in the 20’s. Let it play out never sold. Now the more I learn about the business and finances I’ve increased my position 5x. Am I crazy or is this a hidden gem.

we are massively oversold and undervalued

$Clover Health Corp(CLOV)$ I know we had a lot of weak hands folding recently. I believe we now have a better class of retail investors willing to hold this long term. That’s why I’m not making any short term predictions. I can just affirm that we are massively oversold and undervalued. My PT is $30 p/s. CLOV$Clover Health Corp(CLOV)$
we are massively oversold and undervalued

move up soon and don't sell

$Offerpad Solutions(OPAD)$ Options are telling me 18.25 on Friday, 17.50/19.00 options equally weighted for 9/17 expiry. Going to be a battle on Friday, but my charts say BIG move up soon-so don't sell and don't write calls too close to ATM for now. The prems aren't worth the risk in case we have a OPAD-like move in the near future. Strong gut feeling on a reasonably strong move up at any moment...
move up soon and don't sell
$Clover Health Corp(CLOV)$ is having the same growing pains like GME in September 2020. Look at GME historical price and compare it to CLOV. It’s brutally similar and they’re both shorted. Massive open interest in Jan 2022.$GameStop(GME)$

I will do not sell one share

$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ why you think this is all happening before the 27th run up?Evs are the future!!! This is best tech with deliveries is closer then ever!! Longs have been waiting for this moment!! And you want me to sell my shares in the teens with tesla at 800 a share when our core tech is much better? I will do not sell one share.Buy the dip and hold!$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
I will do not sell one share
$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ if you have correctly drawn the trendline, this one of the best stocks to daytrade, period. When the SP gets $50+ below the trendline, the algos buy. Doesn’t matter if market is up or down. This is an atm machine. STUDY.

HFT keep on wiping out each stupid long

$Aterian Inc.(ATER)$ Great to see stupid longs lose so much money after they bought the pump at $17.98, and got dumped on and knocked silly as stock crashed down 39.04% or $7.02/share to $10.96. That's how stupid you are stupid longs. HFT keep on wiping out each and every stupid long. LOL$Aterian Inc.(ATER)$
HFT keep on wiping out each stupid long

Do some fundamental analysis

$ContextLogic Inc.(WISH)$ If the current rate of cash burn continues, they have 2 years before they have to raise capital.With the iOS privacy here to stay and the CPM cost on Android going up for good, Wish will have to reinvent its business model. Pretty tough problem to solve and the time frame is 2 years.This will not be a growth story for the next 2 years and have a meaningful risk of not being able to find a viable business model.Look at the data carefully before deciding to buy. Don’t fall for the hype and non-sense comparisons with Amazon, Tesla etc. Do some fundamental analysis to see if this company and risks are worth your investment.My take is that it's too early to invest and wait for either a better valuation or some proof of a viable B
Do some fundamental analysis
$Skillz Inc(SKLZ)$ without a hit game or two this company is trash. however with a mega hit its actually a good buy here. question is can they get a mega hit?I don't think so.Be careful guys!

The float of GME is smaller,buy more

$GameStop(GME)$ Just buy!Adam Aron through us a heavy sword by issuing 400m more shares and protected himself legally. We bought those all up and more so now when this squeezes AMC will be super liquid and tons of orders will get done. With GME, the float is smaller and also oversold so when even a sneeze of volume comes in, it will get suspended and be unable to trade while ppl at AMC and other plays are selling into the shorts covering leaving a smaller amount of liquidity for gme ppl. Just the reality of the world. GME shoulda killed the world economy, but the powers that be would never allow that.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
The float of GME is smaller,buy more

The fall is coming it’s not a matter of if but when

$IVERIC bio Inc(ISEE)$ ok so Tutes want the price higher…. 85% of the float is owned by them, the real question is how much higher? 18-19 range is what I’m guessing, then they’ll dump all their shares and leave a ton of retail bulls holding the bag on this one. Short term it’s easy to be bullish , however you know the fall is coming it’s not a matter of if but when. I took my position right at 14 so I’m comfortable waiting for the fall.
The fall is coming it’s not a matter of if but when

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