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Don't worry about the news, just buy

$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ if my math is correct 50M shares equates to 3% more shares. That’s it, 3% dilution for 2B added to the balance sheet. Every time Tesla did this in the early days, the stock rallied. Strengthening the balance sheet is more positive than 3% share dilution is negative. Nio finishes green .$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
Don't worry about the news, just buy

higher prise of BOIL

U.S. natural gas futures rose about 3% on Thursday on forecasts for colder weather and higher heating demand over the next two weeks than previously expected. Prices also rose as the amount of gas flowing to Freeport LNG's export plant in Texas increased in recent days after declining earlier in the week. The price hike came ahead of a federal report expected to show last week's storage withdrawal was lower than usual for this time of year as mild weather kept heating demand for the fuel low. Analysts forecast U.S. utilities pulled just 80 billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas from storage during the week ended March 3. That compares with a decrease of 126 bcf in the same week last year and a five-year (2018-2022) average decline of 101 bcf. If correct, last week's decrease would cut stockpiles
higher prise of BOIL
$SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ nobody thinks it’s bullish long term as of now but that doesn’t mean you buy puts when the market has fallen nearly 5% in a week… nothing goes straight down when you and your grandma expect it. All of these bullish headlines are for exit liquidity so earn your money through calls when it pumps and gtfo into cash before it tumbles. No need to be mad when it pumps

Consistently losing..AFRM

$Affirm Holdings, Inc.(AFRM)$  I must admit I was shocked at how overpriced this company is. With almost 1% of the Nasdaq index, Afrm only rises 1.8% ..... Consistently losing more and more money as revenues increase. Also, higher interest rates are a headwind for AFRM. The market value is $4B and lost $700M last year. They would have to improve substantially just to get back to break even. I’m obviously short on AFRM.
Consistently losing..AFRM

It's true and just hold!

$Globalstar(GSAT)$ True. HODL is the best time for now. Coz next week Iphone release coming soon, surely will ? to ?. Same as yesterday, I'm tell the other group stocks ppl about ATER, ask them to buy but some make fun of me. Then it's soar up high suddenly, I'm earn USD 40k in half day, then they regret not listening. Now they asking me what to buy, I'm tell them GSAT is next. Next week this will move high. Insider news always reliable, already happen yesterday at ATER stocks. Those not believe, we will see next week.$Apple(AAPL)$ $Aterian Inc.(ATER)$
It's true and just hold!
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ I really hope everyone is going to hold. I've been seeing a few post about selling at 1k or 5k. This thing has so much more potential than that. You guys are making me nervous with that talk. Stop selling yourself short!

We will win!!!

$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ It should be Criminal how much Money these Hedge Funds Lose shorting these Stocks. Just in the Attempt of bringing this Price Down , they have burned through Millions, since January, they have wasted and Lost Billions. Think about that ,....just to Short AMC AND GME, RIDICULOUS. LET'S FIX THESE CROOKS. WE ARE WINNING. LET'S GO APES. LET'S GOOOOOO AMC!$GameStop(GME)$
We will win!!!

GameStop has its NFT project

$GameStop(GME)$ If this were any other stock that was still off 50% it’s 52-week high, and I’m just sitting around for more than eight months, waiting for a short squeeze, I would’ve gotten bored and moved my money a while ago. I don’t know how the pure short-squeezers keep holding for so long. Thank goodness, GameStop has its NFT project to get me excited every single day!$GameStop(GME)$
GameStop has its NFT project

Spce will be better in the long run

so funny to see how the mood of local comments change based on the current direction of the stock price :))don't invest in it if you can't take 50% loss in very short time...yes it's a very volatile stock.But here you have a company that's furthest in a business that can be a normal in 5-10 years from now. They have an important market advantage now already. looking at it from this perspective, the stock price is a great buy and just hold! hold! hold!Yes it can be 18 again in a month, but will it be below $100 in two years? Very likely not!$Virgin Galactic(SPCE)$
Spce will be better in the long run
Look everyone, this is simple Virgin Galctic are selling 500 millions share legally, it just news investors dont want to hear and That's all. However they got a proven product that is going change air travel as we know it. I bought more shares at dip and still took a big hit which in time it will turn around, so stop whinning or get out. VIRGIN GALACTIC TO THE MOON! $Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. (SPCE)$

Don't be scared to sell your shares!

$$ This is all just a BIG game of chicken. No, seriously it is..... They NEED your shares to close out their positions. They borrowed close to 8 million shares that they need to pay back. If you just HOLD your shares, they can't close their positions and the difference is, they have a deadline unlike any other shorts in this game. Their back is against the wall.To some of you newbies, It may not feel like it, but they are losing...... They will try every low blow trick in the book to scare you into selling your shares.HOLD!
Don't be scared to sell your shares!

You will see tremendous gains a few years later!

$Alibaba(BABA)$ the regulator calling in Tencent and Netease seems to be spooking the market again. Just when we thought they'd more or less wrapped up their probes in the tech sector. So I guess we're on a roller coaster for a while longer. Takes steely nerves to ride this tsunami out but those who do will no doubt see tremendous gains a few years from now.$TENCENT(00700)$ $NTES-S(09999)$ $NetEase(NTES)$
You will see tremendous gains a few years later!

It’ll be 6-8 all the next week

$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$ Let me tell you something right now, next week will come and this’ll trader sideways and further down, it’ll be 6-8 all week next week. Why? Because HFS know retailers are expecting big news next week with the proxy, they will play with emotions, that’s what they do. You expect green, they will make sure it’s red.$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$
It’ll be 6-8 all the next week

It found bottom on the 200 day

$Square(SQ)$ It found bottom on the 200 day. All part of this rolling correction, other stocks will get hit similarly.And Square and SoFi Stadium Exclusively Partner to Welcome Back Fans with Omnichannel, Contact-Free CommerceSquare has been selected as the exclusive point-of-sale (POS), payments, software, and merchant services provider for the new SoFi Stadium.Just buy guys!$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$
It found bottom on the 200 day
$Pfizer(PFE)$ $50+ by next week. FDA approval will get us to the hundreds.So you know what to do!BUY and HOLD!
$Aterian Inc.(ATER)$ oversold. Shorts are out of ammo. Margin call Friday. They’ll want to cover before then.Strong support here. This is where they’ll want to cover. It’ll only go up here.

Just buy more!

$DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$ Didi’s founder Cheng Wei will head the Information and Data Security committee, while CTO Zhang Bo will be the executive deputy director.The committee will oversee data security, cyberspace and information security, personal information protection, algorithm security, content security and overseas business privacy, according to a memo.As you see everything goes well,just buy more!
Just buy more!
$GameStop(GME)$ went into GameStop for the first time in years! The stock movement made me want to go in and support the business. We were pleasantly surprised with the quality of product and made some unplanned purchases! Highly recommend

bought a huge amount of HOOD

I HOPE today will be another down day. I bought a huge amount of HOOD yesterday, but I freed up some more cash, that is only first becoming available to use today, and I want to use it to buy more HOOD at the lowest price possible, so please bash away clueless people, who don't understand or just want to deny, how huge this company is going to become, so that I can buy the maximum amount of shares possible with this additional cash. I've been an active stock investor for several decades, and this is one of the best, if not THE best, buying opportunity I ever recall seeing. So all of you negative people out there, please bash away and short away, please... Let that FUD flow.................... I am 100% certain I am right and you are wrong. This is not a poker bluff. HOOD is a royal flush,
bought a huge amount of HOOD
Congratulation to all shareholders! A very happy 4th of July weekend.See you above $100 soon.$Virgin Galactic(SPCE)$

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