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I will stay neutral on GME now. Seems many memers are still hoping and supporting. But purely on fundamentals, GME is a candidate for bankruptcy. Just maybe only when the meme craze ends and Ryan Cohen revels his true plays.
Tesla Is really good for shorting.  Yesterday's pre-open high was above 181. And an hour into the open it fell to near 173. Now trading at 174.20 post-market.  All these volatility caused by Elon Musk's erratic behaviour. He is making life interesting for Teska stake holders.
Well written opinion piece and worth paying heed to.  My view is last Friday's movement was a breather, not the correction, and a healthy one at that. Which means, I feel the bull run is not over yet.  But it is also always good to watch carefully and be ready to take actions. Either ways.
Is Nvidia's Slide a Sign of a Market Top?
It is going to bleak for all growth companiesfor now. With global economies slowing down, and pressed in further by inflation and high cost of operations, without a good cash profit flow, some if these will find it increasinlycostlier to just stay in biz. Regrettably, apartfrom Tesla, I cannot think of any EV companies which have a decent profit trend. In fact,all are currently notnin the money, yet.
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"However, its performance was below par, as it came in below its previous midpoint guidance of 32K vehicles. As such, investors expecting a robust report are likely disappointed after the company also underperformed in FQ4'22." Has the market already pried this present upturn a case of herd stampede?
NIO Stock: Look Past Recent Struggles
Sadly there will be more blocks ahead. But between the three Chinese EV's, I fear NIO has a longer way to fall. Xpeng and Li Auto has already fallen a lot more whereas NIO was held up by news about their new ET5 sedan.But if you go beyond the hype, you have to worry about NIO's recent losses reported. it is worst than the other two.
EV Stocks Slumped in Morning Trading
Ah. This may explain why Baba shares fell so much last night. This beside the reading of another Fed interest rate hike spooking the overall market.  But what happened to the Super feel-good over the business split into 6?  So, from my experience, whenever stock prices jacks up tremendously like last week for Baba, it is usually good to sell.  And conversely, when the opposite happens, buy in. Even more when the opposite happens in a very much faster time like for Baba last night. For me, Baba is a strong buy now. Just as Tesla was a strong sell early yesterday. But please note it is only my own reading.
SoftBank to Sell Nearly All Its Stake in Alibaba - FT

TSLA and Elon Musk

Memoral Day holiday will be one additional day for Elon Musk to come up with another pronouncement to create some excitement for Tesla. True or not.
TSLA and Elon Musk
07-01 18:56
Li Auto just announced 98% increase YOY. NIO too announced 144% increase YOY. Now waiting for BYD and others to announce.  I think this report shiuld be correct. The Chinese EV's are taking bigger shares of the EV market. And China EV sales have very big impact on Tesla's overall delivery numbers.  But the Tesla fanboys will probably disregard the numbers and bang on promise of robots.
Tesla Deliveries Set to Fall for Second Straight Quarter
This is what I have been seeing as well. The future promises and expectations are still just that. A future that has yet to be proven. Tecent developments, both within NIO and Chona, are just presentlijh too big a risk. Do note that people were very encouraged with Chines government support. But government support is waning. China itsef is showing strains i their economy.
This is Why Nio Stock Might be in Trouble
What is not mentioned here is it missed concensus estimates. So, is this half full or half empty situation? Reproduced:  "Tesla on Sunday missed estimates for first-quarter deliveries as a bleak economic outlook and rising competition weighed on the electric automaker’s sales. Tesla delivered 422,875 vehicles, a record for the automaker but lower than analyst expectations for 430,008 vehicles, according to Refinitiv data."
Tesla Deliveries Rise to Record After Slashing Prices on EVs
Good article. My take is to look at Tesla only after the 3rd quarter if this year. Only then can you consider if Tesla has recovery in store.  Why I feel this way? Lowered production after first starting a price war is never a good sign. And recent price increases for some models signals a regret which may have been made tok late.  Second reason? Ark started buying more Tesla. This to me is bad sign. Hahaha.
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If this article is correct, it will indeed be a powerful position for Tesla to continue to dominate from. But again, all readings and calls have to be tempered with checks and double checks.  Still, it is true Tesla has got the largest gross margins amongst all vehicle manufacturers. That is a big advantage against anyone else challenging the market. 
Elon Musk Reveals a Tesla Secret
This bullshit lawsuit can't be the real reason for the plunge. Cananyone really claim the exclusive rights to the letter S? And the number 7?But what is real is there is no reason for Nioprices to have gone up so much on Tuesday and Wednesday. and with all the news and events, likely we will be testing $15 again by next week. Sad but better to short than to long for now.
NIO Stock Falls 5% on Trademark Lawsuit
Thanks for the extensive article.  But I do feel you have missed out one or two very important factors.  Firstly, China. It is a huge portion of Tesla's revenue and profit.  Second, the flood of competition that has been eating Tesla's lunch.  Or sorry, one more.  Consumers are holding back on big ticket spendings. Especially thoee who had bought Tesla cars before. They are finding they can't trade in their old cars at good values.
Tesla: Being Between 2 Major Growth Waves Creates Opportunity For Investors (Rating Upgrade)
Covid 19 unlocking is driven by desperation. This is extremely negative news. Best to stay away until at least clear signs of economic recovery is visible. 
Forget about Robotaxi. That's a distraction which will not pay off.  But even the low price Tesla may now not be a guaranteed saviour. This is getting to be a ver crowded space where many companies are already in. Besides the already established Chinese EV's, we have Vinfast and others. Also, Xiomi has come into the act with their very successful new car launched.  And it is obviously worrying Tesla.  The rapid fire of news/tweets (Robotaxi, Reuter lying) is now followed up with a cheaper subscription offering for the FSD.  Frankly, all smells desperate and may hint coming quarter results may be pretty bad. Spin the story before the truth is forced out. Sorry, but just sharing my own personal thoughts here.
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This is from Bloomberg. "It’s anyone’s guess where the global economy is headed. This has been the case for some time, and is especially true these days, given the strange state of affairs in the US and new faces at the top in China. The Federal Reserve’s mission to tamp down inflation is ever more likely to mean a higher peak interest rate than investors had been expecting just weeks ago, thanks in part to a labor market that continues to defy expectations." This suggest we are not at clear skies yet. In fact, far from it. More risks than rewards fornow.
Why The Market Could Drop By Another 20%-25%

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