I personally own a position in $KBH and I can say it’s more than a mere short term reversal as this article suggests - for value investors, ahomebuilder firm like KBH can stand to gain in the longer term given the rising home pricesand increased home buying interest, notwithstanding the backlog they face from the first half of 2021.
To my fellow investors, please do your own DD before buying into any stock. I wouldn’t trust the Fool with my life or money, they are known for shilling their own holdings [Lovely]
Usually I would play for pre-earnings but sat out this time. $FB looks strong as always but we know how predictably unpredictable the market can be. I will be looking to buy more once the sell-off dies down [Happy]
Still not too late to get in now. With NIO’s expansion globally (outside of China), the possibilities are endless. You know what happens when possibilities are endless [Smile]
These rotations between different sectors are nothing new, investors just need something torationalise price changes. Stay invested for the medium-long term!
Regulation isn’t all that bad. The more people understand blockchain tech and crypto as a whole, the more interest in investing is generated. Play the long game [Happy]
I wouldn’t call this FUD but there are safer plays out there. No point going for riskier plays when the rewards are not commensurate with the risk levels. The article is simply asking us to manage expectations especially in a developing industry