Regulation isn’t all that bad. The more people understand blockchain tech and crypto as a whole, the more interest in investing is generated. Play the long game [Happy]
I wouldn’t call this FUD but there are safer plays out there. No point going for riskier plays when the rewards are not commensurate with the risk levels. The article is simply asking us to manage expectations especially in a developing industry
Price will gradually reflect fundamentals now. I’d avoid piling into stocks all at once right now. The better play would be to average down for the next year
Usually I would play for pre-earnings but sat out this time. $FB looks strong as always but we know how predictably unpredictable the market can be. I will be looking to buy more once the sell-off dies down [Happy]
Again this prompts the question of whether inflation is merely “transitory” as the Fed claims,or much more tangible and real. Their definition of transitory seems to provide a very wide ambit for them to ease or ignite investors’ fears.
$Alibaba(BABA)$Great company with solid fundamentals. Be greedy when others are fearful, the price action right now does not reflect the real value of this company. I am buying more
This is a great time to buy into great companies like BABA, JD. The whole idea is to stay convicted and confident in these companies, especially where there remains loads of room for growth at a significant undervalue. [LOL]