Macros always lead the Micros.
$Direxion Daily Semiconductors Bull 3x Shares(SOXL)$   This time round, as most retail investors buy into this pullback, we will see another "hike" in the opening at 9.30am US time. But it will end in "red" for all indexes as market prepares for all the "reports" coming in. Strangely, it will act in inverse correlation. The change in how inflation is perceived has successfully confused the masses on how these "reports" can indicate a positive or negative sentiment. But as history shows, there will not be a recession after and election but rather the "disaster" first before the "heroes" will come in to save it. Be prepared to see how this "one" dismantles to be greater than the 08'-09' crash.
$Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares(SOXL)$  China is in a recession pit. This will hurt all imports coming into China- the second biggest purchasing economy. That said, all prices are lowered and domestic consumption will be preferred and at an all time high as prices are reduced greatly. Exports coming from China will be attractive for the rest of world due to lowered prices and lower interest rates. 22nd August is just around the corner and many countries have stocked up on real solid gold in their coffers. Seems like US tech will be fumbling with lots of complexities in this climate. Impending rdoom is imminent. SOXL will continue to slide back down to the tens of dollars per share soon. Michael Burry has "put" his bets
$Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares(SOXL)$ As I have mentioned in previous posts, the sad "fulls" (foolish bulls) thought this will still skyrocket in light of AI and its hype. Nope, they got it wrong. This will only slide further in the next 20 days until all those with this holdings, feel the pain of unrealized losses similar to the US banks. The crisis of the mortgage loans will drag this further and we will see the major upheavel when Brics announce their new strategy on 22nd August. Expect more pain and continue to buy to leverage your losses. Otherwise, you may look at purchasing SOXS and recoup the loss. The indexes - DJI, Nasdaq, S&P are expected to fall greatly in the coming weeks, months and well into 2024.
$Semiconductors Bear 3X Shares(SOXS)$  As the bank crisis hits the economy hard, I am in the opinion that temporarily, SOXS isin the low as many investors are pushing their money into semi conductors and hence the drop in this stock. But we may be expecting to see a rise in the price after the feds hike the interest rates be it 25 or 50 basis points.  If the feds do not increase the interest rates, the economy may be in for a bigger inflation as Michael Burry predicted, feds will cut and inflation will increase and in the coming months, instead of a small increase now, they may have to aggresively increase to 50-75basis points to tame all that money printing from consumers withdrawals from the troubled banks.
$Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares(SOXL)$  It's all maxed out. The house of cards will be crumbling one at a time.  Interest rates will increase,  Treasury yields will continue rising. Bonds will be snapped up. Earnings for third quarter will be disappointing.(Semiconductor companies) Energy prices will continue to rise as the oil producing nations will decrease production. Brics will have new interests amongst other nations ( de dollarisation ) Debt defaulters will increase. (Credit and mortgages ) Banks will post this in their next earnings report. Loans will be tighter for manufaturing. ... god bless america
$Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares(SOXL)$  Jittery week... The end is near where we will see a massive reversal come from today till wednesday.  As the feds increase the interest rates, the banks will tighten lending.  Who will the seminconductors approach for the resources to manufacture? What is the demand now when exports are falling? How will China react to the tightening of US Chips? Why would China continue to freely export Germanium and Gallium for production of Chips? When will we get answers? Till then, let the foolish bulls continue with their delusions that AI and EV will continue to earn. In my opinion, i relate to this over drive in buying as to the time when the internet bubble was inflating. Nonet
$Direxion Daily Financial Bull 3x Shares(FAS)$  Good luck banks. We are seeing another nightmare manifesting itself in my opinion. As all these drama unfold, we can only see how the central banks try their best to calm the general public but ultimately, the damageis done and svb, signature, first rep, are onlythe tip of the ice berg
$Direxion Daily Semiconductors Bull 3x Shares(SOXL)$   This is not a pullback. This is a sell off by the machines and the retail investors dollar cost averaging. They are buying into the positions that the whales and machines are exiting. And when Trump wins the elections , the trade wars starts and then we'll see curbs on exports to china and a drop in all earnings.
$Direxion Daily Semiconductors Bear 3x Shares(SOXS)$  There will be a rate cut done in September and this stock will decline. In early September 24. Followed by a gradual rise until the US elections where we will see how inflation will haunt back the stock market. Paul Volker witnessed this in the 70s and we will see a resurgance of that as Trump becomes the new president. In Trump's tenure as president, we will see how the fed will increase the interest rates to a point where it will trigger a reset of the US economy and the US debt will significantly drop along with the stock market. Scenario two, there will be a black swan, to fit this narrative, mpox pandemic, ww3, or something else that we're not seeing just yet. But there will be a ca
$DJIA(.DJI)$  - DJI will lead the next crash. A good indicator would be the fast food company revenue decline as consumers opt to not dine out. - Oil prices will continue to decline as demand falls due to a retraction in spending. - Energy Consumption will reduce. - Gold price and Bitcoin will increase in Tandem. -AI bubble will burst before elections. - Rate cuts will happen before elections. - at least 300 banks will be insolvent in the next 70 days. - First Rate cut to be expected before September 2024. - Stimulus packages will be released before October.
$GOLDEN ENERGY AND RESOURCESLTD(AUE.SI)$ This will be the time where the Rally will begin again. If this hits, the morning high, $0.91 from this price on, GEAR will be the STAR!!!
$Direxion Daily Semiconductors Bull 3x Shares(SOXL)$   This will be the best time to enter. Its a small pull back and it will rise again to beat the 52 week high. (Do not use this as sound financial advice)
$Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares(SOXL)$  Tsunamis happen when water, normally at the beachfronts, pulls back way beyond where it should be before the tidal waves hit. We are in the days before the storm and disaster. The banks will take the lead and cause the "wash".  History just repeats.
$Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares(SOXL)$  This will move further down from here on. Cannot wait for it to crash back down $7.
$Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares(SOXL)$  JPY will be focusing on controlling the yield curves. We thought it was China that would be the first to offload the treasury bonds, we were wrong. Still, we see "fulls" rushing in to buy at low $26 and hoping this will go to $30 or $40.  Many other countries will follow suit to prep for the new BRICs currency and this will cause alot of turmoil while US is busy matchmaking banks for a "shotgun" marriage. we will see the newly weds marrying again 🤭.  How does this relate to the semiconductors? Well, easy, market managers, hedge funds will restrategize their portfolio and focus on how to mitigate it. And definitely there will be big sell off from now, as they will be buy
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$   Take a tablespoon of the syrup and "dilute" it with a glass of water so it flows faster. (10:1) More volatility and liquidity coming your way!!
$Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares(SOXL)$  The outlook of the market is proving that even the AI craze and bubble is no longer a lure for anyone to buy into this. The National US debt is going out of hand, Oil prices surging  Student loan repayments starting in October Offices have been vacant Banks are leaving the brick and mortar Countries are de dollarising Europe is already in a huge recession. you would be plain crazy to still be bullish.
$Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares(SOXL)$  This is the first day of the drop.  The following days from here will be another drop until the fed increase the rates by 25-50 basis points. Losses happen when greed clouds our judgement.
$Direxion Daily Semiconductors Bull 3x Shares(SOXL)$   So now the retail investors will think its a pullback and buy. But the momentum of the Machines have been put on "sell". Good luck to all the fomo buyers.
$Direxion Daily Semiconductors Bull 3x Shares(SOXL)$  Another rally is on the way when NVDIa reports its earnings. This will shoot to $50. I think.

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