TMC, OPAD, IRNT **I. Intro**Hello degenerates! Not financial advice, I am a retarded degenerate too. *TMC, OPAD, and IRNT were supposed to go to the fucking moon, right? Why the hell didn’t they? Because you have an obsession with OTM call options.* First off, answer this question for me: Which call option strikes have the highest gamma? Go ahead, I’m sure you YOLOing mother fuckers know that before you drop your 100k on **GAMMA** SQUEEZE, right?Here’s some pictures I drew on to help you. These are the option chains for each of last week’s favorites. I’ll highlight the call strike that has the highest gamma. **TLDR in section III.**[ The Iron Giant – You degenerates saw $100 a share everywhere and really went for it. Look at all that open interest at $40. Those MFers were expensive. Look