Thank you @TigerEvents I like and enjoy collecting Tiger Coins so much 😃. I sign in early in the morning everyday to complete the “Daily Missions”. I will get 100-120 Tiger Coins everyday. I am fortunate to know two friendly Tiger Community friends who always tag me to join events to earn Tiger Coins organized by @Daily_Discussion @TigerEvents @Tiger_SG @Tiger_Earnings @Tiger_chat . I love to use the Tiger Coins to redeem Stock Vouchers. Whenever I use the Stock vouchers to buy stocks, it makes me feel that I am buying Stocks at a discount. (I hope that Tiger will bring back the USD$10 Stock Voucers)
My friend called and sent email Tiger on 5/1/2023, they said they did replenish USD$100& USD$50 on 2/1/2023. They also said thatthey will replenish on 9/1/2023. But on 9/1/2023, my friends and I log in at 12:00pm sharp, Tiger did not replenish at all!! No choice,we redeemed USD$20 & USD$10, so unfair!