Safe Bulkers Inc (SB) stock is higher by 29.06% over the past week and gets a Bullish rating fromInvestorsObserverSentiment Indicator.
What is Stock Sentiment?
Sentiment uses short term technical analysis to gauge whether a stock is desired by investors. As a technical indicator, it focuses on recent trends as opposed to the long term health of the underlying company. Updates for the company such as a earnings release can move the stock away from current trends. Price action is generally the best indicator of sentiment. For a stock to go up, investors must feel good about it. Similarly, a stock that is in a downtrend must be out of favor.InvestorsObserver’s Sentiment Indicator considers price action and recent trends in volume. Increasing volumes often mean that a trend is strengthening, while decreasing volumes can signal that a reversal could come soon. The options market is another place to get signals about sentiment. Since options allow investors to place bets on the price of a stock, we consider the ratio of calls and puts for stocks where options are available.
What's Happening With SB Stock Today?
Safe Bulkers Inc (SB) stock is trading at $5.24 as of 3:05 PM on Wednesday, Sep 15, a gain of $0.34, or 6.94% from the previous closing price of $4.90. The stock has traded between $4.91 and $5.30 so far today. Volume today is above average. So far 3,952,296 shares have traded compared to average volume of 1,396,537 shares.