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Press Release: X Financial Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2024 Unaudited Financial Results

Dow Jones03-19 20:50

X Financial Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2024 Unaudited Financial Results

PR Newswire

SHENZHEN, China, March 19, 2025

SHENZHEN, China, March 19, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- X Financial $(XYF)$ (the "Company" or "we"), a leading online personal finance company in China, today announced its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended December 31, 2024.

Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2024 Operational Highlights

                       Three      Three      Three                     Twelve     Twelve 
                      Months     Months     Months                     Months     Months 
                       Ended      Ended      Ended                      Ended      Ended 
                    December  September   December                   December   December 
                    31, 2023   30, 2024   31, 2024     QoQ     YoY   31, 2023   31, 2024      YoY 
-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
Total loan amount 
 facilitated and 
 originated (RMB 
 in million)          26,134     28,338     32,297  14.0 %  23.6 %    105,557    104,889  (0.6 %) 
Number of active 
 borrowers         1,603,760  1,965,248  2,120,068   7.9 %  32.2 %  4,495,997  5,231,887   16.4 % 
   -- The total loan amount facilitated and originated[1] in the fourth quarter 
      of 2024 was RMB32,297 million, compared with RMB26,134 million in the 
      same period of 2023. 
   -- The total loan amount facilitated and originated in 2024 was RMB104,889 
      million, compared with RMB105,557 million in 2023. 
   -- The total number of active borrowers[2] was 2,120,068 in the fourth 
      quarter of 2024, compared with 1,603,760 in the same period of 2023. 
   -- The total number of active borrowers was 5,231,887 in 2024, compared with 
      4,495,997 in 2023. 
                                        As of 
                    As of December 31,  September 30,       As of December 31, 
                    2023                2024                2024 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Total outstanding 
 loan balance (RMB 
 in million)                    48,847              45,766              52,327 
Delinquency rates 
 for all 
 outstanding loans 
 that are past due 
 for 31-60 days                 1.57 %              1.02 %              1.17 % 
Delinquency rates 
 for all 
 outstanding loans 
 that are past due 
 for 91-180 days                3.12 %              3.22 %              2.48 % 
   -- The total outstanding loan balance[3] as of December 31, 2024 was 
      RMB52,327 million, compared with RMB48,847 million as of December 31, 
   -- The delinquency rate for all outstanding loans that are past due for 
      31-60 days[4] as of December 31, 2024 was 1.17%, compared with 1.57% as 
      of December 31, 2023. 
   -- The delinquency rate for all outstanding loans that are past due for 
      91-180 days[5] as of December 31, 2024 was 2.48%, compared with 3.12% as 
      of December 31, 2023. 
([1]) Represents the total amount of loans that the Company facilitated and 
originated during the relevant period. 
([2]) Represents borrowers who made at least one transaction on the Company's 
platform during the relevant period. 
([3]) Represents the total amount of loans outstanding for loans that the 
Company facilitated and originated at the end of the relevant period. Loans 
that are delinquent for more than 60 days are excluded in the outstanding loan 
balance, except for Xiaoying Housing Loans. As Xiaoying Housing Loans is a 
secured loan product and the Company is entitled to payment by exercising its 
rights to the collateral, the Company does not exclude Xiaoying Housing Loans 
delinquent for more than 60 days in the outstanding loan balance. 
([4]) Represents the balance of the outstanding principal and accrued 
outstanding interest for Xiaoying Credit Loans that were 31 to 60 days past 
due as a percentage of the total balance of outstanding principal and accrued 
outstanding interest for Xiaoying Credit Loans that the Company facilitated 
and originated as of a specific date. Xiaoying Credit Loans that are 
delinquent for more than 60 days are 
excluded when calculating the denominator. Starting from the first quarter of 
2021, substantially all of the loans facilitated and originated by the Company 
have been Xiaoying Credit Loans. 
([5]) To make the delinquency rate by balance comparable to the peers, the 
Company also defines the delinquency rate as the balance of the outstanding 
principal and accrued outstanding interest for Xiaoying Credit Loans that were 
91 to 180 days past due as a percentage of the total balance of outstanding 
principal and accrued outstanding interest for the Xiaoying Credit Loans that 
the Company facilitated and originated as of a specific date. Xiaoying Credit 
Loans that are delinquent for more than 180 days are excluded 
when calculating the denominator. 

Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights

(In thousands,    Three Months   Three Months   Three Months 
except for               Ended          Ended          Ended 
share and per     December 31,  September 30,   December 31, 
share data)               2023           2024           2024      QoQ      YoY 
---------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------  ------- 
                           RMB            RMB            RMB 
Total net 
 revenue             1,192,664      1,582,497      1,708,722    8.0 %   43.3 % 
Total operating 
 costs and 
 expenses            (938,472)    (1,073,533)    (1,183,510)   10.2 %   26.1 % 
Income from 
 operations            254,192        508,964        525,212    3.2 %  106.6 % 
Net income             188,968        375,840        385,626    2.6 %  104.1 % 
 adjusted net 
 income                230,782        433,625        408,022  (5.9 %)   76.8 % 
Net income per 
 ADS--basic               3.90           7.86           8.22    4.6 %  110.8 % 
Net income per 
 ADS--diluted             3.84           7.74           8.04    3.9 %  109.4 % 
 adjusted net 
 income per 
 ADS--basic               4.74           9.12           8.70  (4.6 %)   83.5 % 
 adjusted net 
 income per 
 ADS--diluted             4.68           8.88           8.46  (4.7 %)   80.8 % 
   -- Total net revenue in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB1,708.7 million 
      (US$234.1 million), representing an increase of 43.3% from RMB1,192.7 
      million in the same period of 2023. 
   -- Income from operations in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB525.2 million 
      (US$72.0 million), compared with RMB254.2 million in the same period of 
   -- Net income in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB385.6 million (US$52.8 
      million), compared with RMB189.0 million in the same period of 2023. 
   -- Non-GAAP[6] adjusted net income in the fourth quarter of 2024 was 
      RMB408.0 million (US$55.9 million), compared with RMB230.8 million in the 
      same period of 2023. 
   -- Net income per basic and diluted American depositary share ("ADS") [7] in 
      the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB8.22 (US$1.13) and RMB8.04 (US$1.10), 
      compared with RMB3.90 and RMB3.84, respectively, in the same period of 
   -- Non-GAAP adjusted net income per basic and diluted ADS in the fourth 
      quarter of 2024 was RMB8.70 (US$1.19) and RMB8.46 (US$1.16), compared 
      with RMB4.74 and RMB4.68, respectively, in the same period of 2023. 
([6]) The Company uses in this press release the following non-GAAP financial 
measures: (i) adjusted net income (loss), (ii) adjusted net income (loss) per 
basic ADS, (iii) adjusted net income (loss) per diluted ADS, (iv) adjusted net 
income (loss) per basic share, and (v) adjusted net income (loss) per diluted 
share, each of which excludes share-based compensation expense, impairment 
losses on financial investments, income (loss) from financial 
investments, gain (loss) from financial investments at equity method and 
impairment losses on long-term investments. For more information on non-GAAP 
financial measure, please see the section of "Use of Non-GAAP Financial 
Measures Statement" and the table captioned "Unaudited Reconciliations of GAAP 
and Non-GAAP Results" set forth at the end of this press release. 
([7]) Each American depositary share ("ADS") represents six Class A ordinary 

Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Highlights

                                 Twelve Months Ended December 31, 
(In thousands, except for 
share and per share data)                   2023              2024     YoY 
-----------------------------  -----------------  ----------------  ------ 
                                             RMB               RMB 
Total net revenue                      4,814,884         5,871,782  22.0 % 
Total operating costs and 
 expenses                            (3,352,767)       (3,998,013)  19.2 % 
Income from operations                 1,462,117         1,873,769  28.2 % 
Net income                             1,186,794         1,539,906  29.8 % 
Non-GAAP adjusted net income           1,276,696         1,538,512  20.5 % 
Net income per ADS--basic                  24.72             31.98  29.4 % 
Net income per ADS--diluted                24.48             31.50  28.7 % 
Non-GAAP adjusted net income 
 per ADS--basic                            26.58             31.98  20.3 % 
Non-GAAP adjusted net income 
 per ADS--diluted                          26.34             31.44  19.4 % 
   -- Total net revenue in 2024 was RMB5,871.8 million (US$804.4 million), 
      representing an increase of 22.0% from RMB4,814.9 million in 2023. 
   -- Income from operations in 2024 was RMB1,873.8 million (US$256.7 million), 
      compared with RMB1,462.1 million in 2023. 
   -- Net income in 2024 was RMB1,539.9 million (US$211.0 million), compared 
      with RMB1,186.8 million in 2023. 
   -- Non-GAAP adjusted net income in 2024 was RMB1,538.5 million (US$210.8 
      million), compared with RMB1,276.7 million in 2023. 
   -- Net income per basic and diluted ADS in 2024 was RMB31.98 (US$4.38) and 
      RMB31.50 (US$4.32), compared with RMB24.72 and RMB24.48, respectively, in 
   -- Non-GAAP adjusted net income per basic and adjusted diluted ADS in 2024 
      was RMB31.98 (US$4.38) and RMB31.44 (US$4.31), compared with RMB26.58 and 
      RMB26.34, respectively, in 2023. 

Mr. Kent Li, President of the Company, commented, "We are very pleased to conclude the year with outstanding operational and financial results in the fourth quarter. Total loan volumes exceeded our guidance for both the fourth quarter and the fiscal year. Our relentless efforts to improve asset quality, coupled with a favorable macroeconomic environment, resulted in impressive top and bottom lines growth. In the second half of 2024, the Chinese government implemented a series of monetary and fiscal measures to increase liquidity, stabilize key sectors such as real estate, and stimulate economic growth, which also benefited the personal finance market we serve, including reducing our funding costs. As a result, both our top and bottom lines grew significantly in the fourth quarter and the fiscal year, with net income in the quarter more than doubling year-over-year."

"Specifically on the operational front, our total loan amount facilitated and originated increased 24% year-over-year to RMB32 billion in the fourth quarter, above the high end of our guidance. Delinquency rates for all outstanding loans past due for 31-60 days and 91-180 days were 1.17% and 2.48%, respectively, at the end of the quarter, compared to 1.57% and 3.12% a year ago. Asset quality continued to improve throughout the year."

"As we enter into 2025, the Chinese government has signaled a strong commitment to promoting the private sector as a key driver of innovation and sustainable growth. We are optimistic about our business prospects and will capitalize on this growth opportunity amid the favorable market environment to accelerate growth and enhance shareholder returns. For the full year 2025, we expect total loan volumes to increase by approximately 30% compared to last year. For the first quarter, we expect a sequential increase in total loan volumes despite the seasonal impact of the Chinese New Year. So far this quarter, we have witnessed continued improvement in asset quality, highlighting the effectiveness of our ongoing improvements in risk management and control."

"In addition, we are increasing our investments in AI applications to keep pace with the latest wave of innovation, exemplified by advancements such as DeepSeek. We have seamlessly implemented AI applications in many aspects of our business. For example, in customer service, we have developed a new generation of customer service robots based on the latest generative AI technology. We have also enabled intelligent customer service agent assistance by leveraging AI models such as Alibaba's Tongyi Qianwen and ByteDance's Doubao, including features like knowledge-based recommendations and real-time conversation quality inspection. In addition, we have transitioned from manual to AI-powered content review for promotional videos. We have also used AI to effectively improve coding efficiency and carry out system optimization. Furthermore, our multimodal AI risk management system, which achieves over 95% accuracy in contextual environment analysis through advanced pattern recognition, increases the accuracy and efficiency of our risk control system. Going forward, we will continue to use AI to further strengthen our technological capabilities, optimize operational efficiency, and enhance service quality."

Mr. Frank Fuya Zheng, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, added, "We are pleased to report strong financial results for the fourth quarter. Total net revenue increased by 43% year-over-year to RMB1.7 billion, while net income grew by 104% year-over-year to about RMB386 million. Throughout the year, our top and bottom lines continued to expand quarter-over-quarter, bringing total net revenue and net income for the full year to record highs of RMB5.9 billion and RMB1.5 billion, respectively."

"Our balance sheet remains robust, with total shareholders' equity at year-end increasing 19% over the prior year, a testament to our solid and healthy financial position and disciplined capital management. Building on this strong foundation, we allocated US$76 million to share repurchases and dividends in 2024, including US$16.5 million in cash dividends, US$9.2 million for the tender offer, US$50.3 million for the share repurchase plans. These initiatives underscore our commitment to delivering value to shareholders while maintaining financial flexibility to support future growth. In 2025, we will continue to focus on shareholder returns through share repurchases and dividends while executing our proven strategy to drive long-term growth and value creation."

Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Results

Total net revenue in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased by 43.3% to RMB1,708.7 million (US$234.1 million) from RMB1,192.7 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to growth in various disaggregated revenue compared with the same period of 2023. Please refer to analysis of disaggregation of revenue below.

                             Three Months Ended December 31, 
(In thousands, 
except for share 
and per share 
data)                        2023                      2024              YoY 
-----------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------- 
                         RMB   % of Revenue        RMB   % of Revenue 
Loan facilitation 
 service             615,482         51.6 %    877,664         51.4 %   42.6 % 
 service             166,807         14.0 %    266,018         15.6 %   59.5 % 
Financing income     307,692         25.8 %    350,599         20.4 %   13.9 % 
Guarantee income      16,576          1.4 %     69,649          4.1 %  320.2 % 
Other revenue         86,107          7.2 %    144,792          8.5 %   68.2 % 
Total net revenue  1,192,664        100.0 %  1,708,722        100.0 %   43.3 % 

Loan facilitation service fees in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased by 42.6% to RMB877.7 million (US$120.2 million) from RMB615.5 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to an increase in the total loan amount facilitated this quarter compared with the same period of 2023.

Post-origination service fees in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased by 59.5% to RMB266.0 million (US$36.4 million) from RMB166.8 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated in the previous quarters. Revenues from post-origination services are recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the underlying loans as the services are being provided.

Financing income in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased by 13.9% to RMB350.6 million (US$48.0 million) from RMB307.7 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to an increase in average loan balances held by the Company compared with the same period of 2023.

Guarantee income in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB69.6 million (US$9.5 million), compared with RMB16.6 million in the same period of 2023, due to the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated covered by guarantee service in the previous quarters compared with the same period of 2023. Revenues from guarantee service are recognized systematically when the Company released from the underlying risk.

Other revenue in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased by 68.2% to RMB144.8 million (US$19.8 million), compared with RMB86.1 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to an increase in referral service fee for introducing borrowers to other platforms.

Origination and servicing expenses in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased by 4.3% to RMB439.0 million (US$60.1 million) from RMB421.0 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to the increase in collection expenses resulting from the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated and originated in the previous quarters compared with the same period of 2023.

Borrower acquisitions and marketing expenses in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased by 45.2% to RMB503.7 million (US$69.0 million) from RMB347.0 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to intensified efforts in borrower acquisitions compared with the same period of 2023.

Provision for loans receivable in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB64.3 million (US$8.8 million), compared with RMB99.4 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to a decrease in the average estimated default rate compared with the same period of 2023, and partially offset by an increase in loans receivable held by the Company as a result of the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated and originated in the previous quarters compared with the same period of 2023.

Provision for contingent guarantee liabilities in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB116.1 million (US$15.9 million), compared with RMB25.9 million in the same period of 2023, primarily due to an increase in guarantee liabilities held by the Company as a result of the increased volume of loans facilitated covered by the guarantee service this quarter compared with the same period of 2023.

Income from operations in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB525.2 million (US$72.0 million), compared with RMB254.2 million in the same period of 2023.

Income before income taxes in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB540.8 million (US$74.1 million), compared with RMB261.7 million in the same period of 2023.

Income tax expense in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB150.8 million (US$20.7 million), compared with RMB47.4 million in the same period of 2023.

Net income in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB385.6 million (US$52.8 million), compared with RMB189.0 million in the same period of 2023.

Non-GAAP adjusted net income in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB408.0 million (US$55.9 million), compared with RMB230.8 million in the same period of 2023.

Net income per basic and diluted ADS in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB8.22 (US$1.13), and RMB8.04 (US$1.10), compared with RMB3.90 and RMB3.84, respectively, in the same period of 2023.

Non-GAAP adjusted net income per basic and diluted ADS in the fourth quarter of 2024 was RMB8.70 (US$1.19), and RMB8.46 (US$1.16), compared with RMB4.74 and RMB4.68 respectively, in the same period of 2023.

Cash and cash equivalents was RMB984.6 million (US$134.9 million) as of December 31, 2024, compared with RMB1,044.1 million as of September 30, 2024.

Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Results

Total net revenue in 2024 increased by 22.0% to RMB5,871.8 million (US$804.4 million) from RM4,814.9 million in 2023, primarily due to growth in various disaggregated revenue compared with 2023. Please refer to analysis of disaggregation of revenue below.

                            Twelve Months Ended December 31, 
(In thousands, 
except for share 
and per share 
data)                                  2023                      2024  YoY 
-----------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------- 
                         RMB   % of Revenue        RMB   % of Revenue 
Loan facilitation 
 service           2,740,974         56.9 %  3,102,345         52.8 %   13.2 % 
 service             596,582         12.4 %    759,539         12.9 %   27.3 % 
Financing income   1,137,336         23.6 %  1,372,004         23.5 %   20.6 % 
Guarantee income      24,498          0.5 %    201,716          3.4 %  723.4 % 
Other revenue        315,494          6.6 %    436,178          7.4 %   38.3 % 
Total net revenue  4,814,884        100.0 %  5,871,782        100.0 %   22.0 % 

Loan facilitation service fees in 2024 increased by 13.2% to RMB3,102.3 million (US$425.0 million) from RMB2,741.0 million in 2023, primarily due to a decrease in the expected prepayment rates this year compared with 2023.

Post-origination service fees in 2024 increased by 27.3% to RMB759.5 million (US$104.1 million) from RMB596.6 million in 2023, primarily due to the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated in the previous years. Revenues from post-origination services are recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the underlying loans as the services are being provided.

Financing income in 2024 increased by 20.6% to RMB1,372.0 million (US$188.0 million) from RMB1,137.3 million in 2023, primarily due to an increase in average loan balances held by the Company compared with 2023.

Guarantee income in 2024 was RMB201.7 million (US$27.6 million), compared with RMB24.5 million in 2023, due to the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated covered by guarantee service compared with 2023. Revenues from guarantee service are recognized systematically when the Company released from the underlying risk.

Other revenue in 2024 increased by 38.3% to RMB436.2 million (US$59.8 million), compared with RMB315.5 million in 2023, primarily due to an increase in referral service fee for introducing borrowers to other platforms.

Origination and servicing expenses in 2024 increased by 12.6% to RMB1,738.1 million (US$238.1 million) from RMB1,544.0 million in 2023, primarily due to the increase in collection expenses resulting from the cumulative effect of increased volume of loans facilitated and originated in the previous quarters compared with 2023.

Borrower acquisitions and marketing expenses in 2024 increased by 15.4% to RMB1,582.5 million (US$216.8 million) from RMB1,370.9 million in 2023, primarily due to intensified efforts in borrower acquisitions compared with 2023.

Provision for loans receivable in 2024 was RMB221.7 million (US$30.4 million), compared with RMB229.1 million in 2023.

Provision for contingent guarantee liabilities in 2024 was RMB241.7 million (US$33.1 million), compared with RMB67.5 million in 2023, primarily due to an increase in guarantee liabilities held by the Company as a result of the increased volume of loans facilitated covered by the guarantee service this year compared with 2023.

Income from operations in 2024 was RMB1,873.8 million (US$256.7 million), compared with RMB1,462.1 million in 2023.

Income before income taxes in 2024 was RMB1,894.3 million (US$259.5 million), compared with RMB1,468.6 million in 2023.

Income tax expense in 2024 was RMB405.7 million (US$55.6 million), compared with RMB261.1 million in 2023.

Net income in 2024 was RMB1,539.9 million (US$211.0 million), compared with RMB1,186.8 million in 2023.

Non-GAAP adjusted net income in 2024 was RMB1,538.5 million (US$210.8 million), compared with RMB1,276.7 million in 2023.

Net income per basic and diluted ADS in 2024 was RMB31.98 (US$4.38), and RMB31.50 (US$4.32), compared with RMB24.72 and RMB24.48, respectively, in 2023.

Non-GAAP adjusted net income per basic and diluted ADS in 2024 was RMB31.98 (US$4.38), and RMB31.44 (US$4.31), compared with RMB26.58 and RMB26.34 respectively, in 2023.

Cash and cash equivalents was RMB984.6 million (US$134.9 million) as of December 31, 2024, compared with RMB1,195.4 million as of December 31, 2023.

Recent Development

Share Repurchase Plan

In the fourth quarter of 2024, the Company repurchased an aggregate of approximately 38.4 million Class A ordinary shares represented by 6.4 million ADSs for a total consideration of approximately US$49.0 million. Throughout 2024, the Company repurchased an aggregate of approximately 52.2 million Class A ordinary shares, of which about 50.5 million Class A ordinary shares were in the forms of ADSs, with a total consideration of approximately US$59.5 million. As of the date of this announcement, the Company's previous US$30 million and US$20 million repurchase plans have been fully utilized. The Company has approximately US$15.9 million remaining for repurchases under its US$50 million share repurchase plan, which is effective through June 30, 2026.

Declaration of Semi-Annual Dividend

Pursuant to the semi-annual dividend policy, the Board today approved the declaration and payment of a semi-annual dividend of US$0.25 per ADS (approximately US$0.042 per ordinary share). The holders of the Company's ordinary shares shown on the Company's record at the close of trading on June 20, 2025 (U.S. Eastern Daylight Time) will be entitled to the semi-annual dividend. These shareholders, including the Bank of New York Mellon, the depositary of our ADS program (the "Depositary"), will receive the payments of dividends on or about July 2, 2025. Dividends to the Company's ADS holders will be paid by the Depositary on or after July 2, 2025, and the precise timing of receipt will vary based on the processing efficiency of the respective holding brokerage.

Business Outlook

The Company expects the total loan amount facilitated and originated for the first quarter of 2025 to be between RMB33.5 billion and RMB34.5 billion. The total loan amount facilitated and originated for 2025 is expected to be between RMB134.4 billion and RMB138.4 billion.

This forecast reflects the Company's current and preliminary views, which are subject to changes.

Conference Call

X Financial's management team will host an earnings conference call at 7:00 AM U.S. Eastern Time on March 20, 2025 (7:00 PM Beijing / Hong Kong Time on March 20, 2025).

Dial-in details for the earnings conference call are as follows:

United States:    1-888-346-8982 
Hong Kong:        852-301-84992 
Mainland China:   4001-201203 
International:    1-412-902-4272 
Passcode:         X Financial 

Please dial in ten minutes before the call is scheduled to begin and provide the passcode to join the call.

A replay of the conference call may be accessed by phone at the following numbers until March 27, 2025:

United States:   1-877-344-7529 
International:   1-412-317-0088 
Passcode:        2479997 

Additionally, a live and archived webcast of the conference call will be available at http://ir.xiaoyinggroup.com.

About X Financial

X Financial (NYSE: XYF) (the "Company") is a leading online personal finance company in China. The Company is committed to connecting borrowers on its platform with its institutional funding partners. With its proprietary big data-driven technology, the Company has established strategic partnerships with financial institutions across multiple areas of its business operations, enabling it to facilitate and originate loans to prime borrowers under a risk assessment and control system.

For more information, please visit: http://ir.xiaoyinggroup.com.

Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures Statement

In evaluating our business, we consider and use non-GAAP measures as supplemental measures to review and assess our operating performance. We present the non-GAAP financial measures because they are used by our management to evaluate our operating performance and formulate business plans. We believe that the use of the non-GAAP financial measures facilitates investors' assessment of our operating performance and help investors to identify underlying trends in our business that could otherwise be distorted by the effect of certain income or expenses that we include in income (loss) from operations and net income (loss). We also believe that the non-GAAP measures provide useful information about our core operating results, enhance the overall understanding of our past performance and future prospects and allow for greater visibility with respect to key metrics used by our management in its financial and operational decision-making.

We use in this press release the following non-GAAP financial measures: (i) adjusted net income (loss), (ii) adjusted net income (loss) per basic ADS, (iii) adjusted net income (loss) per diluted ADS, (iv) adjusted net income (loss) per basic share, and (v) adjusted net income (loss) per diluted share, each of which excludes share-based compensation expense, impairment losses on financial investments, income (loss) from financial investments, gain (loss) from financial investments at equity method and impairment losses on long-term investments. These non-GAAP financial measures have limitations as analytical tools, and when assessing our operating performance, investors should not consider them in isolation, or as a substitute for the financial information prepared and presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

We mitigate these limitations by reconciling the non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP financial measures, which should be considered when evaluating our performance. We encourage you to review our financial information in its entirety and not rely on a single financial measure.

For more information on these non-GAAP financial measures, please see the table captioned "Unaudited Reconciliations of GAAP and Non-GAAP results" set forth at the end of this press release.

Exchange Rate Information

This announcement contains translations of certain RMB amounts into U.S. dollars at specified rates solely for the convenience of the reader. Unless otherwise noted, all translations from RMB to U.S. dollars are made at a rate of RMB 7.2993 to US$1.00, the exchange rate set forth in the H.10 statistical release of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System as of December 31, 2024.


Safe Harbor Statement

This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," "potential," "continue," "ongoing," "targets," "guidance" and similar statements. The Company may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Any statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the Company's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements that involve factors, risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such factors and risks include, but not limited to the followings: the Company's goals and strategies; its future business development, financial condition and results of operations; the expected growth of the credit industry, and marketplace lending in particular, in China; the demand for and market acceptance of its marketplace's products and services; its ability to attract and retain borrowers and investors on its marketplace; its relationships with its strategic cooperation partners; competition in its industry; and relevant government policies and regulations relating to the corporate structure, business and industry. Further information regarding these and other risks, uncertainties or factors is included in the Company's filings with the SEC. All information provided in this announcement is current as of the date of this announcement, and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update such information, except as required under applicable law.

Use of Projections

This announcement also contains certain financial forecasts (or guidance) with respect to the Company's projected financial results. The Company's independent auditors have not audited, reviewed, compiled or performed any procedures with respect to the projections or guidance for the purpose of their inclusion in this announcement, and accordingly, they did not express an opinion or provide any other form assurance with respect thereto for the purpose of this announcement. This guidance should not be relied upon as being necessarily indicative of future results. The assumptions and estimates underlying the prospective financial information are inherently uncertain and are subject to a wide variety of significant business, economic and competitive risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the prospective financial information. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the prospective results are indicative of the future performance of the Company, or that actual results will not differ materially from those set forth in the prospective financial information. Inclusion of the prospective financial information in this announcement should not be regarded as a representation by any person that the results contained in the prospective financial information will actually be achieved. You should review this information together with the Company's historical information.

For more information, please contact:

X Financial

Mr. Frank Fuya Zheng

E-mail: ir@xiaoying.com

Christensen IR

In China

Mr. Rene Vanguestaine

Phone: +86-178-1749 0483

E-mail: rene.vanguestaine@christensencomms.com


Ms. Linda Bergkamp

Phone: +1-480-614-3004

Email: linda.bergkamp@christensencomms.com

X Financial 
Balance Sheets 
(In thousands, 
except for share 
and per share       As of December 31,  As of December 31,  As of December 31, 
data)                             2023                2024                2024 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
                                   RMB                 RMB                 USD 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents                1,195,352             984,611             134,891 
 Restricted cash, 
  net                          749,070             676,793              92,720 
  receivable and 
  contract assets, 
  net                        1,659,588           2,029,550             278,047 
 Loans receivable 
  from Credit 
  Loans and other 
  loans, net                 4,947,833           4,828,317             661,477 
 Deposits to 
  net                        1,702,472           1,958,297             268,286 
 Prepaid expenses 
  and other 
  current assets, 
  net                           48,767              34,079               4,667 
  derivative                         -               1,038                 142 
 Deferred tax 
  assets, net                  135,958             197,713              27,087 
 Long term 
  investments                  493,411             498,038              68,231 
 Property and 
  equipment, net                 8,642              15,833               2,169 
  assets, net                   36,810              36,592               5,013 
 Loan receivable 
  from Housing 
  Loans, net                     8,657                   -                   - 
  investments                  608,198             513,476              70,346 
 Other non-current 
  assets                        55,265              44,951               6,158 
 TOTAL ASSETS               11,650,023          11,819,288           1,619,234 
 Payable to 
  investors and 
  funding partners 
  at amortized 
  cost                       3,584,041           2,184,086             299,218 
  liabilities                   61,907             187,641              25,707 
  income                        46,597             164,725              22,567 
  borrowings                   565,000             328,500              45,004 
 Accrued payroll 
  and welfare                   86,771              94,717              12,976 
 Other tax payable             289,819             279,993              38,358 
 Income tax 
  payable                      446,500             591,491              81,034 
 Accrued expenses 
  and other 
  liabilities                  595,427             941,506             128,986 
 Dividend payable               59,226                   -                   - 
 Other non-current 
  liabilities                   37,571              27,516               3,770 
 Deferred tax 
  liabilities                   30,040              65,959               9,036 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES           5,802,899           4,866,134             666,656 
 Commitments and 
 Common shares                     207                 207                  28 
 Treasury stock              (111,520)           (509,644)            (69,821) 
  paid-in capital            3,196,942           3,207,028             439,361 
 Retained earnings           2,692,018           4,174,511             571,906 
  income                        69,477              81,052              11,104 
 Total X Financial 
  equity                     5,847,124           6,953,154             952,578 
 interests                           -                   -                   - 
 TOTAL EQUITY                5,847,124           6,953,154             952,578 
  AND EQUITY                11,650,023          11,819,288           1,619,234 
==================  ==================  ==================  ================== 
X Financial 
Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 
                                         Three Months Ended December 31,        Twelve Months Ended December 31, 
                                      -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
(In thousands, except for share and 
per share data)                              2023         2024         2024         2023         2024         2024 
------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                              RMB          RMB          USD          RMB          RMB          USD 
Net revenues 
Loan facilitation service                 615,482      877,664      120,239    2,740,974    3,102,345      425,020 
Post-origination service                  166,807      266,018       36,444      596,582      759,539      104,056 
Financing income                          307,692      350,599       48,032    1,137,336    1,372,004      187,964 
Guarantee income                           16,576       69,649        9,542       24,498      201,716       27,635 
Other revenue                              86,107      144,792       19,836      315,494      436,178       59,756 
Total net revenue                       1,192,664    1,708,722      234,093    4,814,884    5,871,782      804,431 
Operating costs and expenses: 
Origination and servicing(1)              420,987      438,975       60,139    1,544,014    1,738,139      238,124 
Borrower acquisitions and 
 marketing(1)                             346,994      503,704       69,007    1,370,942    1,582,472      216,798 
General and administrative(1)              39,110       48,886        6,697      153,943      175,934       24,103 
Provision for accounts receivable 
 and contract assets                        6,250       13,262        1,817       12,234       35,732        4,895 
Provision for loans receivable             99,365       64,289        8,808      229,137      221,658       30,367 
Provision for contingent guarantee 
 liabilities                               25,926      116,103       15,906       67,520      241,738       33,118 
Change in fair value of financial 
 guarantee derivative(2)                        -      (1,038)        (142)     (24,966)      (1,038)        (142) 
Fair value adjustments related to 
 Consolidated Trusts(2)                         -            -            -          531            -            - 
(Reversal of) provision for credit 
 losses for 
 deposits and other financial assets        (160)        (671)         (92)        $(588.SI)$        3,378          463 
Total operating costs and expenses        938,472    1,183,510      162,140    3,352,767    3,998,013      547,726 
Income from operations                    254,192      525,212       71,953    1,462,117    1,873,769      256,705 
Interest income (expenses), net           (2,587)        4,338          594     (20,365)        (560)         (77) 
Foreign exchange (gain) loss                3,232      (6,183)        (847)      (4,023)      (9,533)      (1,306) 
Income from financial investments(3)        5,480       13,396        1,835        6,498       17,134        2,347 
Other income, net                           1,346        4,084          560       24,351       13,521        1,852 
Income before income taxes                261,663      540,847       74,095    1,468,578    1,894,331      259,521 
Income tax expense                       (47,351)    (150,778)     (20,657)    (261,130)    (405,702)     (55,581) 
Gain (loss) from equity in 
 affiliates, net of tax                  (21,550)        4,587          628      (1,931)       10,159        1,392 
Gain (loss) from financial 
 investments at equity method, net 
 of tax(3)                                (3,794)      (9,030)      (1,237)     (18,723)       41,118        5,633 
Net income                                188,968      385,626       52,829    1,186,794    1,539,906      210,965 
Less: net income attributable to 
non-controlling interests                       -            -            -            -            -            - 
Net income attributable to X 
 Financial shareholders                   188,968      385,626       52,829    1,186,794    1,539,906      210,965 
Net income                                188,968      385,626       52,829    1,186,794    1,539,906      210,965 
Other comprehensive income, net of 
tax of nil: 
Gain (loss) from equity in 
 affiliates                                  (52)          105           14          (7)        (314)         (43) 
Income (loss) from financial 
 investments                                  475      (5,807)        (796)          475          293           40 
Foreign currency translation 
 adjustments                              (8,214)       19,186        2,628        5,410       11,596        1,589 
Comprehensive income                      181,177      399,110       54,675    1,192,672    1,551,481      212,551 
Less: comprehensive income 
attributable to non-controlling 
interests                                       -            -            -            -            -            - 
Comprehensive income attributable to 
 X Financial shareholders                 181,177      399,110       54,676    1,192,672    1,551,481      212,551 
====================================  ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
Net income per share--basic                  0.65         1.37         0.19         4.12         5.33         0.73 
Net income per share--diluted                0.64         1.34         0.18         4.08         5.25         0.72 
Net income per ADS--basic                    3.90         8.22         1.13        24.72        31.98         4.38 
Net income per ADS--diluted                  3.84         8.04         1.10        24.48        31.50         4.32 
Weighted average number of ordinary 
 shares outstanding--basic            291,312,698  281,823,659  281,823,659  288,115,969  288,828,371  288,828,371 
Weighted average number of ordinary 
 shares outstanding--diluted          294,631,195  288,542,180  288,542,180  290,833,214  293,354,671  293,354,671 
(1) Starting in the first quarter of 2024, management has 
concluded to separate expenses related to borrower 
acquisitions from origination and servicing expenses and 
indirect expenses of the borrower acquisitions from 
general and administrative expenses to a single line item 
as theses expenses become more and more significant and 
thus deemed to be useful to financial statement users. 
Furtherly, management has determined to embed the sales 
and marketing expenses, which is not considered as 
material, in other line item. In conclusion, management 
has decided to combine these two line items into one 
captioned borrower acquisitions and marketing expenses. 
Management has correspondingly conformed prior period 
presentation to current period presentation to enhance 
comparability. This change in presentation does not affect 
any subtotal line on the face of consolidated statements 
of comprehensive income. 
                 Three Months Ended December 
                           31, 2023 
---------------                                --------- 
(In thousands, 
except for 
share and per           before          after 
share data)        re-grouping    re-grouping    Changes 
---------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
                           RMB            RMB        RMB 
Origination and 
 servicing             755,238        420,987  (334,251) 
 and marketing 
 expenses                    -        346,994    346,994 
Sales and 
 marketing               3,711              -    (3,711) 
General and 
 administrative         48,142         39,110    (9,032) 
(2) Starting in the first quarter of 2024, management has 
considered the facts that fair value change related to 
financial guarantee services and Consolidated Trusts are 
generated from ordinary course of businesses, and has 
concluded to reclass the amount to captions above total 
operating costs and expenses. Prior to the 
reclassification, management classified all amount of fair 
value changes to captions below total operating costs and 
expenses. This reclassification does not have impact on 
net income for any prior periods presented. 
(3) The Company has revised the presentation of the gain 
(loss) from financial investments at equity method after 
income tax expense, which previously reported as "Income 
(loss) from financial investments" before income tax 
expense. Additionally,  "Impairment losses on long-term 
investments" accounted under the equity method have been 
reclassified into the gain (loss) from equity in 
affiliates after income tax expense. This change in 
presentation does not affect the net income for any 
periods presented. 
X Financial 
Reconciliations of 
GAAP and Non-GAAP 
                          Three Months Ended December 31,       Twelve Months Ended December 31, 
                       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
(In thousands, except 
for share and per 
share data)                   2023         2024         2024         2023         2024         2024 
---------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                               RMB          RMB          USD          RMB          RMB          USD 
GAAP net income            188,968      385,626       52,829    1,186,794    1,539,906      210,965 
Less: Income (loss) 
 from financial 
 investments (net of 
 tax of nil)                 5,480       13,396        1,835        6,498       17,134        2,347 
Less: Impairment 
losses on financial 
investments (net of 
tax of nil)                      -            -            -            -            -            - 
Less: Impairment 
 losses on long-term 
 investments (net of 
 tax)                     (35,079)     (16,680)      (2,285)     (35,079)     (16,680)      (2,285) 
Less: Gain (loss) 
 from financial 
 investments at 
 equity method (net 
 of tax of nil)            (3,794)      (9,030)      (1,237)     (18,723)       41,118        5,633 
Add: Share-based 
 expenses (net of tax 
 of nil)                     8,421       10,082        1,381       42,598       40,178        5,504 
Non-GAAP adjusted net 
 income                    230,782      408,022       55,897    1,276,696    1,538,512      210,774 
Non-GAAP adjusted net 
 income per 
 share--basic                 0.79         1.45         0.20         4.43         5.33         0.73 
Non-GAAP adjusted net 
 income per 
 share--diluted               0.78         1.41         0.19         4.39         5.24         0.72 
Non-GAAP adjusted net 
 income per 
 ADS--basic                   4.74         8.70         1.19        26.58        31.98         4.38 
Non-GAAP adjusted net 
 income per 
 ADS--diluted                 4.68         8.46         1.16        26.34        31.44         4.31 
Weighted average 
 number of ordinary 
 outstanding--basic    291,312,698  281,823,659  281,823,659  288,115,969  288,828,371  288,828,371 
Weighted average 
 number of ordinary 
 outstanding--diluted  294,631,195  288,542,180  288,542,180  290,833,214  293,354,671  293,354,671 

View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/x-financial-reports-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-year-2024-unaudited-financial-results-302405928.html

SOURCE X Financial


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 19, 2025 16:50 ET (20:50 GMT)

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