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      Musk says didn't set deal terms for Tesla acquisition of SolarCity

      WILMINGTON, Del., July 13 (Reuters) - Elon Musk on Tuesday defended his handling of Tesla Inc's $2.6
      Musk says didn't set deal terms for Tesla acquisition of SolarCity
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      Adobe Getting Lift From Economic Reopening Post-Pandemic

      Software giant Adobe is benefiting as the economy reopens following the Covid-19 pandemic, a senior executive says.
      Adobe Getting Lift From Economic Reopening Post-Pandemic
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      A Meme Stock Is Born: How to Spot the Next Reddit Favorite

      Heavily shorted shares are a common theme among the group. The big stock-price gains often come alongside big drops. While there’s no steadfast definition of what constitutes a meme stock, one common thread across the many names being pitched on social media is a focus on heavily shorted companies. Shares of Reddit iconGameStop Corp.jumped as much as 2,500% in January after day traders noticed its short interest had ballooned to record levels.“I can’t imagine this is going to continue in the sam
      A Meme Stock Is Born: How to Spot the Next Reddit Favorite
    • MswwfMswwf
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      NIO: Buy This Chinese EV Manufacturer While It's Still Cheap

      NIO is a dominant EV manufacturer in the electric SUV segment in China.Despite competing in the luxurious SUV segment, its cars are more affordable in comparison to the cars of its peers such as Tesla.As the Chinese EV market will continue to aggressively expand in the upcoming years, we believe that NIO has all the chances to create additional shareholder value in the future.Founded in 2014, NIO is an electric vehicle manufacturer that's headquartered in Shanghai, China. The company mostly spec
      NIO: Buy This Chinese EV Manufacturer While It's Still Cheap
    • MswwfMswwf
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      AMC Stock Is Surging Again. How to Make Sense of the Move.

      AMC Entertainment‘s skyrocketing stock price would be easy to dismiss as just meme-trade madness, th
      AMC Stock Is Surging Again. How to Make Sense of the Move.
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      The Pandemic May Have Changed Vacations – And Travel Stocks Like Airbnb, Marriott, Winnebago – Forever

      Vacation trends reveal shifts toward privacy, luxury and family, continuing a transformative period for leisure and travel stocks.
      The Pandemic May Have Changed Vacations – And Travel Stocks Like Airbnb, Marriott, Winnebago – Forever
    • MswwfMswwf
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      3 Stocks That Could Have 10X Potential

      These stocks could deliver big gains for investors if things go well.Of course, nobody knows for sur
      3 Stocks That Could Have 10X Potential

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